Making Things Right

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    While Cherry is sleeping, I think about things we need to talk about and how good it felt to have her in my arms last night. I would give anything to hold her like that every night. I know that there are things we have to talk about and fix first. I will wake her when we stop to let Tank potty. I know she thinks she will take over driving and not talk. She is either angry at me or embarrassed and hiding from her feelings. I think the second option.

   I see I sign for a truck stop and diner. I signal letting everyone know we are stopping. I tell Tiny to go grab everyone sandwiches and drinks from the diner. Tell everyone else to get gas and use the bathroom. Dagda orders their prospects to fill gas up for everyone who is busy. I wake Cherry after I put Tank on his leash. "Cherry, love, time to wake. We are stopping for a bit. Want to walk Tank with me? Hey, Beast call Prez and let him know how the trip is going. Hawk why don't you and Willow help Tank get everyone lunch and drinks." I command. Cherry yawns stretches and hops out to join me and Tank on our walk. "Feeling better, sweetheart?" I ask as I link our fingers. "Yes, thanks for letting me rest. Thanks for holding me last night too," she responds.

    I go to tell Cherry that we need to talk, just as Tiny comes out and yells, "Got lunch over here at the patio for everyone." I wave in response. "Let go eat and feed Tank too. Go on over with everyone else and I will bring his bowl of food and water with me." I tell her and kiss her cheek. She turns a pretty shade of pink in response. I want to, no need to, talk to her. I have to fix things between us. After breaking things in public by being an immature jackass jerk, I know that I need to fix it privately. I have no problem of fixing it publicly, but I don't think Cherry would feel the same. I won't purposely hurt or embarrass her again.

     After getting things for Tank, I walk toward Cherry. She is sitting with Timberleigh and looking amazing while they are giggling. "Here you go Tank, buddy," I say handing him his food and water. "What's so funny ladies?" I ask while taking a seat by Cherry. They both giggle and point. I look to see what they are pointing at, I see Beast whispering in Poppy's ear making her blush and giggle. Then I see Hawk blushing while Willow is staring at him star-struck. "Another one bites the dust." I sing laughing. "They better be good to those two. The twins are sweet and innocent. They grew up very sheltered and don't think they ever even had ever cussed until I met them. I have slowly corrupted them some. They are still mostly naïve though." Timberleigh states angrily. "Sorry, just pisses me off that their parents disowned them for wanting to grow up and have some freedom. Think it is more of their bitch mother's doing. She even has their father bulldozed into doing and acting the way she wants him to. She got pissed and disowned them when they decided to go to college and get jobs, instead of getting married to the forty-year-old men she had picked for them." Timberleigh huffs out. "I am with Timberleigh, they hurt them, I may have to hurt them where it counts. Those girls are like my baby sisters." Cherry states. Timberleigh nods in agreement. "They are both good guys. Rough around the edges but good men and brothers. I can't see either of them purposely hurting a woman. We better all get back on the road." I state the last part loudly.

     We all load back up and get ready to leave. "Let me drive. I am sure you need a break." Cherry states. "Not a chance, love. I have ridden with you before, not a bad driver, just your way to avoid talking. Remember the last time, you told me can't drive and have a serious conversation." I reply. She grumbles something in response and gives me a pouty look. "Yeah, I already figured you would try to pull the "let me drive" card. If we want to have any kind of relationship after the way I fucked up, we have to talk. I know you have forgiven me but there are still some things that are just not right. I can feel the underlining stress. I want my friend back. We used to joke and laugh a lot. I miss her. If I am honest, I am completely in love with her and I am a complete fucking idiot for letting my pride be in the way of that. So please, baby girl, let's talk and fix us." I beg her. I hear her sniffle and glance over at her, she has tears flowing. "Please don't cry, baby girl," I say. "I am okay. You are right, we need to work this out. I am confused but completely in love with you too. I do forgive you, I am still just so hurt, but more angry than anything. How do we work through that?" she asks. "I think the hurt goes away with time and forgiveness. The anger, that's different, need to talk, yell, scream, cry, or whatever, even combinations of those to get it gone. I will gladly let you yell, scream, cry, or hit me to help you get rid of it. I will hold your hand while you cry and when I can I will hold you in my arms through your tears. I love you, Cherry. I will do and be anything for you." I choke out thru my own tears.

   I grab her hand and interlace our fingers. I use my thumb to rub small circles on the back of her hand. Once her tears slow, she starts to talk. "It hurt me so bad that you believed someone you didn't know that well over me. I knew Maria and it was wrong of me to not tell you the full story behind it. Maybe if I had, you would have believed me. I am pissed that you let your fear rule your decision of rather or not to be with me. How am I supposed to believe you won't do that again in the future?" she is screaming with tears and hitting my arm by the end. "I will never let my fear rule my decisions again. I have already claimed you in front of the club. I have claimed you to other clubs. On one of our runs a few weeks ago, Crow from Reapers asked about you. Said he may need to come to see you since he needs a good fuck since he is out of the joint. Remember him he got three years for being caught with a gun while on probation. I just about decked him. I told him you no longer do that and are now my ol' lady. He laughed and said something about can't make a whore a housewife. I did hit him then. I had to be pulled off him. I told him that you had been through a lot of shit and fucking who you wanted to and when you wanted to, helped you work through it. That he would be wise to remember that. His president understood my reaction and told him if he kept running his mouth he could pull prospect duties until he learnt respect. I am over my fear. You leaving and me losing you made me realize what and dumbass I was. I know there will still be a few jackasses that will say things like that or try something. If you can't handle it, I will. I trust you and know you can kick ass if you need to. I just want to be there with you to support you. I won't ever make any more mistakes that will make me lose you." I tell her honestly. She is staring at me shocked. "I believe you. We will work on and fix any other problems together from now on." Cherry states with determination.

     It takes a few seconds for what she said to sink in. Then my mouth drops open, "Does that mean you will give us a chance? That you will come home and be my ol' lady?" I stutter out in shock. Cherry just smiles and nods. "Yes, it does. It also means that I will kick your ass if you fuck up again. That I won't run anymore, and we will fix it together. I love you Khaos and I want this with you." she informs me. "I am going to marry you and make your belly round with our babies one of these days," I tell her. "I want that too, Khaos as soon as this shit with Alejandro is done. I am going to have us down that aisle and work on the first kid. I have been in love with you for three years and we both have messed up and ran from it. We are going to do this and do it right before something else happens." Cherry demands. God, I love this woman. "Maybe we can practice for the baby later," she says with a wink.

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