Getting The Show On The Road

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    I wake the next morning to Beast snickering. In the night Khaos was cuddled around me but had scooted closer to Beast. I could see the evil jokester side of Beast in his eyes. He was planning to wake Khaos by humping him. Just as he was about to grab Khaos' hips like a horny dog, Khaos commanded, "Don't even think about it, brother." Even in his sleep, he busted him, and everyone laughed. Beast looked like someone kicked his puppy, "You sure, brother? It could have been the best ride of your life and you were warned. Your ass was practically in my lap this morning." Beast grumbled. "I had to make sure Cherry was comfortable and had room. Was putting her in the middle by your horn dog ass." Khaos replies. Beast tries to look offended.

    "On that note, I am getting up to start breakfast. Girls, are you coming to help? If we want to get out of here and home by breakfast tomorrow, we need to leave in the next few hours. Let everyone know showers are open and they can clean up before breakfast." I state as I climb out of bed. I grab some clothes and head into the bathroom, I do my morning routine and change. Then head to the kitchen. The girls are already there pulling out things for breakfast, all but Willow. She is busy watching Hawk, video chat with his baby and his brother. "Beautiful baby, isn't he?" I ask startling her. "Yes, he is," she replies blushing. "Shame his mom ran out on him. Hawk, his brother, and everyone helps raise him. Hawk is an amazing father." I tell her. I know she likes Hawk; she blushes a lot around him, and I want her to know he's available. Available but a package deal. She just blushes and rushes to help her sister with part of breakfast. I still catch her blushing when Hawk catches sneaking glances at him.

     The girls and I get breakfast, more like a breakfast buffet going. We make pancakes, biscuits, sausage gravy, sausage patties, sausage links, bacon, waffles, French toast, grits, oats, toast, cut fruit, and omelets. I also make lots of coffee and have sugar, creamer, milk, and orange juice for drinks ready. By the time we are done, the guys have cleaned up the sleeping arrangements and showered. "Breakfast everyone" I call out. I have it set up buffet style.

    Everyone starts grabbing their plates and I make myself one. I go sit at the table with, the girls, Khaos, Dagda, Luge, and Beast. "When we are done eating, who's taking the girls to get what they need?" I ask. Luge, Hawk, and Dagda raise their hands. "Traveling with a large group, Tank, and four women, we won't be able to travel straight through. I hope everyone realizes that. So, before you guys even showed up, I reserved both floors of a pet-friendly motel in Enid, Oklahoma. It's the kind that you park in front of your room, with no lobby, so PI is not a problem. No will see him. Also, kind of got the impression, they aren't the kind to ask questions. It's 7:30 now if we leave by 9, we can be there by 5 pm. We can eat dinner and rest up till 11 pm. There is a dinner about a block from there. Then we can be home by 8 am tomorrow. Is everyone okay with that?" I ask. Everyone was looking at me in shock but nodded. "I figure traveling in a large group and straight through, makes us look more suspicious. Stopping makes it look like we aren't running or rushing. Less attention. Okay, since ya'll seem okay with this plan, I am going to go clean up and pack. Can someone take care of the dishes? I fed Tank but he needs to go out to potty too." I inform them. I hear the girls and their escorts leave to help them as I get ready to shower.

    I am so confused about how to feel. I am excited and scared to go home. I also feel guilty for bringing trouble not only to the club but to here and the girls. I am happy to see my family and friends again but sad too. Then there's Khaos. I love him and want him in my life, but is it realistic? Being near him all those feelings for him are intensified. Then the way my body craves him. There is no denying our sexual chemistry. I want him and his touch so bad that this shower being cold is necessary. I try to release so much of the tension by masturbating. It didn't help. It doesn't matter that I rubbed my clit for two orgasms in the shower, I still want to grab Khaos and ride him like a cowgirl. So now I am even more frustrated and angry packing. I hear the girls return, I have Tank and I packed, so time to get this show on the road.

    I come in to see how everything is going and bring out what's packed, Dagda waves me over to the table. It's the same people sitting there from breakfast. When I sit, I see Tank's food bowl, water bowl, food, and water jugs are ready to go too. Everyone has been busy. "While you were showering and packing, we called Mayhem. He and I agreed none of you girls are to be without protection. We have a trailer that will haul some of the bikes home. Timberleigh you will be in your truck with your brother. Beast is driving the van with the PI, all of your stuff, and girls, hauling the trailer, and Poppy will ride with him. Willow will be in the other van with any provisions we need, and Hawk will be driving. Cherry, Tank, anything he needs, and Khaos will be in your car. We have the note ready to hang on your fence for Alejandro. So, I everyone is ready, let's go-getter this show on the road." Dagda demands. I don't mind being alone with Khaos but at the same time, I do. Damn it.

    We all load up the way Dagda wants and leave right on time. "I can drive first if you want," Khaos says with his hands out for the keys. I nod and hand them over. "Are you okay? I didn't do something to piss you off did I?" he questions. "No. Just excited, nervous, scared, and tired all at the same time." I respond. I know he is asking because I am being quiet. I try to smile and hide my body's reaction to being alone with him. I am sure it looks like a grimace. "I can kind of understand. Everyone is excited you are coming home, so no need for nerves. I am a really good driver, and I won't let anyone hurt you, so no fear is needed. Get some rest and I will wake you at the first stop." Khaos replies with a smirk that makes me think he knows. "Thanks, Khaos" I reply and lay my seat back. I close my eyes and force myself to relax. After a little while, sleep takes me.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now