Girls Night

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       This week has flown by, but I have made some new friends. I met Timberleigh, Willow, and Poppy at the local coffee shop. At first Timberleigh had mistaken me for someone else, but after learning I was new to the area, she insisted I join them. They are wonderful ladies. Timberleigh is very outgoing and savagely puts flirty playboys in their place. Like one guy walked up to flirt and grabbed his junk as he talked, she told him if she wanted a tic-tac-toe, she would get it from her purse. Willow and Poppy are identical twins. They may look alike but have totally different personalities. Willow is so shy; she blushes at everything. She is soft spoken and really sweet. She is the kind who doesn't say much but when she does it is worth listening too. Poppy is also sweet but outgoing. She talks a lot and is the first on the dance floor. She can shut down unwanted flirting but not savagely like Timberleigh.

     I ended up hanging out with them for girls' night at Timberleigh's apartment. When I heard some bikes, I looked up scared and shocked. Timberleigh said, "Don't worry. It's just my brothers. I know bikers have bad names, but they are great guys. They ride on the weekends with friends. They are just dropping off some stuff for me." "Oh, I know not all bikers are bad. I just had a friend that had a really bad experience with some that are. Also, I have had bad experiences with men, so I don't trust them easily. I knew some great bikers too. So, your brothers are weekend warriors? That's what I have heard some of the biker clubs call guys that ride only on the weekends." I reply. "Yeah, I have heard that before too. Mike is okay with that title, but Clint isn't. So don't let him hear you say that." she replies laughing. She gets up and opens the door for them. The come in with several Pizzas, beer, and movies. "Does the princess require anything else?" the younger one asks while bowing. I laugh as the older brother slaps the younger one on the back of the head. "Who's your new friend?" the younger asks. "This I Gabrielle" Timberleigh replies. "Gabrielle this is my brothers Mike and Clint." she says pointing at the older one first then the younger one. "Nice to meet you both. I remember you from the Corner Bar. I work there." I say giving a wave. "Oh yeah. That's right you're the new waitress. Nice to meet you and see you again. Don't let our sister corrupt you. We will let you ladies get back to girls' night." Mike replies. I laugh and wave as they leave. They seem like nice people.

     We end up spending the night watching movies, laughing, swapping stories (which most of mine were carefully worded, and drinking. I wake the next morning with a cottonmouth and a hangover. I tell the girls I need to go so I can let Tank out. I bet he missed me last night. We hug and make plans for a couple of days on Sunday to have a BBQ and hangout. I tell Timberleigh to invite her brothers. I plan to invite Betty and maybe her grandsons.

     When I get home and open my door, my baby runs to me tail wagging. "Did you miss me?" I ask. Tank responds with a bark and kisses to my hand. "Who's the best man around?" I ask. Tank response is to sit and give me his paw. "That's right buddy. Tank is the best man around." I say scratching his head and ears. "Come on buddy, let's go outside. What do you think, should we grow a small garden, huh?" I ask. He cocks his head to the side and sits. After a few seconds like he is considering it, he barks. I take that as a yes. "You're the only man I need. You listen and never judge. I love you, Tank." I tell him giving him belly rubs. I love spending time with him and playing but work later.

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