Friend or Foe

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      The club brothers and I just got into Lafayette; we are stopping here for tonight so I can meet up with my brother. We want to see if he and his merry band of weekend warriors want to join us for the charity event for veterans. It's taking place in a few days in New Orleans at the veteran's museum. Once we get checked into the hotel, I call my brother. He asks me to meet him at a tavern in town and not to wear my cut.

     I tell my Prez, Dagda, what he said and where I am going before, I leave. I arrived there about twenty minutes later. I notice the waitress when I enter. She is beautiful and looks familiar. As I talk to my brother and his friends, I watch her. I know, I know her from somewhere. I don't want to freak her out, so I don't let her see me watching or confront her.

     When she comes and brings us more beers, I hear her voice. I know for sure I know her now. Hair is lighter and shorter, but I know her. Her name is Cherry, but her name tag says Gabrielle. She is something to the Sons of Silence MC near our territory. I met her at the Covid 19 benefit in Wyoming last year. I also know that they are looking for her. I think she is in danger, not sure if that is what I was told. I know I won't confront her now. I ask my brother to borrow his car for a bit. I leave and come back with it. I follow her to a dead-end road and pass it by. I turn around and turn onto the road, I see the car she was in at the last house on the road. I note the address, along with the pictures I snuck of her.

     I will tell my Prez what I know and since he is friends with Mayhem, he can pass it on to him. I am not sure if she did SoS wrong or if someone else is after her. I know if I am asked to, I will help. Freewheelers MC and Sons of Silence have always gotten along. Prez helped them set up some legitimate businesses and they helped us with some problems a few years ago. We have been together and met up on several charity events runs our clubs do.

     I get back to the hotel and knock on Dagda's door. "What?" he yells. "Prez, I need to talk to you. It's important." I reply. The door opens and he waves me in. "Is your brother and his buddies joining us? Did they get themselves in trouble or something? What's so important you have to wake me at 3 AM?" he demands. "Yes, they will join us. No, they aren't in trouble. You remember that notice from Sons of Silence, Mayhem's chapter? About a missing woman, Cherry. I saw her tonight. Her hair is lighter and shorter. Also, her name tag said Gabrielle, but I know it's her. I know you and Mayhem are friends, so I thought it would be considered important that I found their lost woman." I reply. "Yes, it is. I will let Mayhem know as soon as we are done with the run. I will see if he wants you to stick around and watch her too." Dagda replies. "I will if needed. I hope the information helps them." I reply. "I know, Lugh, you are a great Veep. We leave tomorrow for New Orleans, and I will call Mayhem after that. I am sure she will be fine for a couple of days. I just can't have us distracted during a charity event." he replies. I nod in understanding and leave to my room. I will have my sister watch her. She is ex-military; I know she can do so without being seen. I send her a text to call me in the morning, then drift off to sleep.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now