No Longer Hidden?

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    It was worth the slaps to the head, told you so, the stern glare from Ivy, and Grams saying I have to fend for myself until she calls back. They are worried I scared her off. I know Cherry is tougher than that, she'll call back. I needed to say that to her, and she needed to hear it. If I had waited until she was ready or I was sure she was, it may have been too late. So, I am cooking myself breakfast, packing my lunches, and eating at the diner when necessary. Pissing of Grams once a week is enough, any more than that is asking for death. I do miss Gram's food though. That woman can cook. Three days of my own cooking and I am thanking God for a strong stomach.

    As I get ready to make my lunch, Ivy's phone rings. "Grams, mom, girls, it's Cherry again. Khaos, I love you but stay out of it this time." she states with glare. I put my hands up in surrender. "Tell her I will be there in a minute, sweetheart. I got a man child trying to grow up to feed. Surprisingly his own cooking hasn't taken him out yet." Grams says laughing. "I am not that bad...." I start to say and surrender again when Grams glares daggers at me.

   I can hear Cherry telling them she can't talk long; she has to go to work soon. The grown-up part of me is happy she has a job and wants her to have happiness, rather it is with me or not. The selfish part of me wants her home and would kill any man that touches her that is not me. It took me long enough to admit the feelings I have for her to myself and her. I know if she forgives me, I will spend the rest of my life making it up to her. Grams hands me my lunch and I give her a kiss on the cheek as a thanks. "Give Cherry my love and let her know I am sorry and miss her." I tell Grams. "I will if I think it won't upset her." She replies. I leave to go eat great food before she changes her mind.

    When I am almost finished eating, Grams joins me. "She said she isn't ready to forgive you yet, but she doesn't hate you." Grams tells me. I consider that a win. "Thanks Grams. I will take what I can get." I reply. Grams goes to say something else and gets interrupted by dad hollering for me, mom, Tech, Bear, Wolf, Sadie, and Ivy. He tells us all to come into the office. He has us lock the door behind us. His office here is completely soundproof and swept for bugs daily. No more taking chances like what happened with Daisy.

    "As of right now, everyone that I want to know what I am getting ready to say is here in this room. Not a word of this outside of this room to anyone or each other. If you need to discuss it again later amongst yourselves do so in here or Khaos' office. For safety reasons and not to piss in anyone's cheerios, is why I am issuing this order. Does everyone understand me?" he demands. "Yes" we all respond. He pulls up something on his computer and turns the screen to us. There are several pictures of a beautiful woman that I immediately recognized. No matter how she changed her hair, I would know her anywhere. "Where did those come from?" I stand up and demand. Dad glares at me and responds, "I will explain but we are not doing anything right now about it. I mean it, Khaos. If you can't handle that you need to leave now. I won't have you going rogue and risking her safety. Do you understand, son?" I sit back down and clench my fist but nod. He stares me down, judging my sincerity. "I already hurt her; I won't risk her safety. Doesn't mean I am happy about not doing anything, though. I will deal with it and behave." I reply sincerely. "Prez is right, if we go rushing to her, we could be followed to her. We have to be smart and plan everything out. Also been hearing rumors of Mexicans hanging around town. May have to deal with that before we can anything else." Wolf informs us. "I don't want any of the women to go out on their own, until we find out if the rumors are true and if they are working for anyone.'' dad comments.

    "Okay, now back to these pictures. I got a call from Dagda, President of Freewheelers MC, from a few towns over. I know we don't deal with them much, but we are friendly. We helped them out and they helped us setting up businesses on the up and up. We also have done charity runs with them and have met up with them. His Veep, Lugh, stopped in Lafayette to see if his brother and his group of weekend warriors wanted to go on a charity run for vets. Their sister served and their dad too. His brother asked him to meet him at Corner Bar and he noticed a waitress that looked familiar. Even though her name tag said Gabrielle, when he heard her talk, he is positive it is Cherry. After seeing the pictures, I am too. He met her last year at the Covid benefit run in Wyoming. He remembered hearing we were looking for her but wasn't able to remember why. He followed her home but made sure he was spotted. Then had his sister watch over her while they finished their run. They made friends. She is doing good there, even though they can see some sadness in her. He and his sister are going to watch over her for now. We need to make sure we are going to try to make her come home, if she doesn't want to. Also, we are going to make sure we don't lead trouble to her. We are going to be careful and take her feelings into consideration. I know we all love and miss her, but our feelings have to be put on the back burner. We have to do this smart and the right way. Tech, I need you to find out everything about her new identity. Try to make sure her new place is safe, more than Tank. See what is being said on the hacker and black market. Ladies see what she thinks about coming home. Bear, make sure your brother behaves and doesn't go rogue. Khaos, you keep trying to make amends. I will keep in contact with both Dagda and Luge. All of us will meet up every other day to re-evaluate the situation. We will decide when to take it to the club and have a plan made for if we need it. Remember this is for her safety and not to push her farther away by pissing her off. Also, ladies do not tell her we know where she is. It might freak her out and she may rabbit. She may run without planning, and it could get her hurt." dad demands. We all leave going our own way. I head to my room to think. I need to make it right and I will figure out how to do it.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now