Fixing Family

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     After Ivy grabbed Wolf and headed out of here like the boss she is, I finally came out of my shock. Her speech left me and everyone else in complete shock. I look at Sheila and see she is silently crying. I know our daughter calling us out on our attitudes was done out of love not bitchiness, but still upsets me to see Sheila's tears. "You okay, love?" I ask. "Yeah. She's right, you know. We basically abandoned our son and let our hurt, disappointment in him do that. We haven't once asked how he was handling it now. We fucked up, we need to fix this. We have been failing as parents and you have been failing as president letting them all disrespect their VP. It stops now." She states then kisses my cheek getting up. "You handle the women, and I will handle the guys." I state with resolve, and she nods.

    "Church, now, members and prospects. Ol' ladies and sweetbutts to Sheila. No arguments or you are out." I yell to the room still coming out of the shock or guilt they were left with from Ivy's rant. Got to love Ivy's fierce protective nature and no bullshit attitude. If you didn't know her story and that she was adopted, you would swear she is our blood daughter. She definitely has my attitude and Sheila's heart and protectiveness. I shake those thoughts from my head as a prospect named Teddy asks, "Don't you want me to get Khaos and Wolf, Prez?" "No. Just head on in." I tell him.

   I walk in and take my seat at the head of the table and bang my gavel to start the meeting. "I want to talk about what just happened out there. By no means is Ivy wrong, the only thing wrong is that it should have been Sheila or I to give that speech. Hell, actually that speech shouldn't have been needed. I have failed as a president and father the last few days. As a father I pushed my son away and let him suffer without my love or support. As president of this club, I shouldn't have let any kind of disrespect to our Veep stand for even a minute, much less days. This shit stops now. I need to do better and so does everyone else. We all talked about the disrespect Cherry had and how it destroyed the trust in this club. We are all guilty of doing the same thing to one of our own. This we will fix but I am not sure how." I growl. I am mad at myself more than I am at the club. "Prez, we are all guilty of the shit. Me and few others more than most. We helped Khaos in judging Cherry and when he asked if we thought she was just angling to cause drama, we said yes. We thought she was. Hell, I tried to seduce her to get her to back off. Earned a slap for my efforts and deserved it. I think the best way is to individually apologize and show our support now. I think it will make it worse if we make a big deal about it. You know he is going to find out what Ivy said, make sure he knows that it opened our eyes, and we don't pity him. I know when I apologize it won't be because of pity but the actual guilt I feel. I figure all of us are the same in that feeling." Ice says. 

     "I agree with Ice. I think individual approaches would be best. I am personally going to thank my little sister for showing me I was being an ass, then if my brother wants or needs it, let him take me in the ring. He is my brother in more than one way, and I gossiped about him like a bitch. I deserve a few good hits from him." Bear says with his head hung in shame. "Don't make that offer to Ivy, you and Sadie may want more kids." Ink says laughing. Bear winces but nods in agreement. Most of the table laughs but nods in agreement. "Does everyone feel that an individual approach is best?" I demand. Ayes is all I hear. "That's the approach we will use. It may take a while to earn his trust back and his respect. We will all honor our brother and Brotherhood by trying. I wouldn't advise any of you to make and offer in the ring with Ivy, she won't hold back. Church dismissed." I say banging the gavel.

     Bear stays behind and I stick around to see what he needs to say. I have failed one son and disappointed a daughter; I don't need a third strike. "I fucked up bad, dad. I know Sadie was close to Cherry and I let her anger fuel the way I reacted. To be honest I thought Cherry was honest but had an angle she was working too. I didn't tell that to Khaos, but I quit talking to him even when he approached me, I just huffed and walked away. I walked away from my own blood to appease my wife. How am I any better than Khaos? Hell, I am probably worse. To make matters worse I am not just pissed at myself, I am pissed at my wife. I would have talked to him if she hadn't been in my ear constantly about how wrong he was even before Cherry left. I let a woman come between me and my brother. How do I go out there and face her? How do I make it right with my brother and not hate my wife? How do I make it right with both?" he asks with tears of shame falling. "I know it's not going to be a simple answer. You can't hate your wife for standing up for a friend and venting to her husband about it. Also she needs to understand if she is mad at someone doesn't mean you have to be too. All relationships are hard work rather it is a marriage or a family. You know your brother loves you and will forgive you. Talk to your mom before talking to Sadie. She can help you navigate the female waters better than me but do remember you love her and Khaos. You don't have to choose between them. I love you, son. I am proud of the man you are, Jay." I tell him,pulling him into a hug we both need right now. "You haven't called me Jay in years. I needed to hear that and that you are proud. Still can't believe you let mom name me from a movie. Not even a good one at that." Bear says laughing, whipping his face. "Don't let your mom or Sadie hear you say that. They bonded over those movies. Must be a woman thing." I reply with my own laugh. We leave the room together. I let him go talk to his mom. I will catch up with her in bed and see how her conversation with the women went. I am glad to have a strong woman beside me and great children. I love all three of them.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now