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      I wake up early on Sunday morning to a beeping from my alarm. I know I wanted and needed to get up earlier today to prepare for guests but damn I am still tired. Even Tank grumbles and lowly growls at the offending alarm. I scratch behind his ears, easily making his day better. Turning off the alarm as I stretch and yawn. I figure I better hit the shower before the call of my bed wins. I slowly get up and promise Tank some outside time after I shower and dress. His response is to yawn and roll over, start snoring. I love that dog.

    As I shower, I make a mental list of everything to do today. I take Tank in the backyard to potty and play. Call the girls in Colorado to check up on them. Go to the store to grab food for BBQ and some for Tank. Call Betty to make sure her and grandkids are still coming. Text Timberleigh and the girls here make sure they are still coming. Text Mike and Trisha see if they are showing up. Pick up beer, wine, and hard liquor. Pick up air mattresses in case more than a couple need to crash here from too much alcohol. I could put one in the living room, one in my office and one in the basement if needed. Also, my bed is large enough for a few girls to crash with me and Tank can sleep in his bed if needed.

    I got a five-gallon pot to put on the corner of my built- in grill for crayfish boil. I am also going to make steak, corn on the cob, baked potatoes, BBQ chicken, and brats on my grill. I made salad and baked beans in my oven. I bought some desserts and made a homemade cheesecake. I am buying the crawfish today so it's fresh. I already bought everything else except more stuff for breakfast in case of overnight guests. I feed Tank Fresh Pet food, so I buy a week's supply at a time. I want to know his food is healthy and that's what he has been fed since he was old enough to eat food.

     I hop out of the shower, get dressed for the day, brush my teeth, and dry my hair. I decided to braid it instead of styling it today. I walk into my room and Tank hops up, like he wasn't still sleeping. "Come on boy, let's go outside then we'll have breakfast." I tell him and he jumps around excitedly. After we were out there for an hour, I figured I better make the call before I need to leave. "Come on boy, let's head back in." I yell. He sits down and pouts. "Breakfast time." I bribe him. He immediately jumps up and beats me to the door. He gives me a look like are you going to open it? Breakfast mom. I just laugh and open the door.

    After I give Tank his food, I grab a yogurt and head to the computer to call the girls. I see a message blinking on the app. I open it and see, "I thought you should see this. Also, you should know he hasn't touched a woman since you left." from Ivy. I played the video. I am crying by the end. I still love Khaos. I am still in love with him. It feels great to know he feels the same way. There is still a part of me that wonders if it is enough and if I should move on. I have to admit though there is a part of me that does think about going back. I know I need more time to know what the best thing for me is.

     I wipe my tears and call my girls. Ivy answers. "Thank you for the video. I still am in love with him but there is a part of me that still has my doubts about us working out. I need more time to figure out what is best for me." I tell her. "I understand. I just want to keep you updated on things here. I miss you so much hun. You need to call more often. You were my first friend and my best friend. I want both you and my brother to be happy." Ivy replies. Soon we are joined by Sheila, Grams, Sadie, and Emily. Jules is busy at the free clinic. I tell them about Timberleigh, Willow, and Poppy. They want to meet them sometime. I told them I'll see what I can do. I know I can't tell the girls about my new name and don't want Timberleigh and them to know too much about things there. Have to figure that out before they can meet since it would be over the computer. I tell them about having people over for a BBQ today and I need to go shopping. I send my love to them and ask to talk to Ivy alone before I hang up. I ask her to give Khaos a kiss on the cheek from me and give him the number. To let him know that I am not always available but would call or message him back when I can. Maybe we can start as friends again for now until I figure everything else out. If he can agree to that he can have the number. I hang up and make sure Tank is good. Then head for the store.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now