Calling Home

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      The week has flown by, now it's Saturday and Trixie have a friend coming to help me set up a way to call the girls and be completely untraceable tomorrow. Thank God, I miss my girls. I have made Betty and Trisha as friends, but they aren't my girls. It's also my first late shift. I have been on the floor more than behind the bar.

    I had a slight panic attack earlier when a few guys showed up on bike, but Trisha explained they are weekend warriors. Guys with regular nine to five jobs and ride Harleys on the weekends to feel like badasses. I relaxed and laughed after that. About the fifth time I delivered beer to their table, there was a new guy with them. He looked vaguely familiar but didn't have a cut. So, I figure I have seen him around town, and he is another weekend warrior.

    I go on with the rest of my shift and can feel someone watching me. No matter how much I look or where I look, I don't see anyone watching me. I guess the weekend warriors and their bikes upset me more than I realized. Making me paranoid. I was very glad for the end of my shift. I watched the vehicles headed the same way as me all the way home. No one seemed to be following me, just headed the same way. No one turned off on my road either, not that I saw anyways.

    I open my door and am greeted by Tank. I can tell he is happy to see me, but he is watchful. He must be picking up on my emotions. "It's okay buddy. Just had a strange feeling tonight but feel a lot better being back home with you. I know you'll keep me safe. Let's go out back and then to bed. How's that sound?" I ask while scratching behind his ears. He seems to have relaxed and looks proud that he makes me feel safe. We head out back so he can do his business and I can relax before bed. I know with my frazzled nerves he will be in my bed on guard duty all night. That thought finally relaxes me. "Come, Tank. Let's go to bed." I yell and he comes thundering to me. We curl up on my bed and though he looks relaxed I can tell he is guarded. I need to make sure from now on to not let the weekend warriors upset my nerves, I think, before sleep takes over.

     When I wake in the morning, Tank and I are both more relaxed. I know that he will still stick closer to me, but I don't mind. A little before lunch, Trixie calls and says Joe will be here in twenty minutes. Sure, enough twenty minutes later there is a knock on my door. My sensors and cameras caught him before he made it to the door. Glad to know they work as expected. "Hello, you Joe?" I ask. "Yes, I am glad to meet you, Gabrielle. Trixie told me what you needed done. Shouldn't take me more than a few hours." he replies. "Sounds good. I want it set up in the second room to the left. I am getting ready to make lunch. Will be ready in thirty minutes, if you're hungry. Would be nice to have someone to eat with." I tell him. He just nods and mumbles thanks as he heads to the room I pointed out.

     Tank and I head to the kitchen so I can make lunch. As soon as it is ready, I let Joe know. We sit eating and making small talk. He tells me about how he knows Trixie and how much he respects her. I want to ask him if he knows Tech, but don't so it doesn't bring up any unwanted questions. I can tell he already wants to ask me who I am hiding from. He heads back to finish up after lunch and I curl up on the swing in the sunroom reading. Tank is running around in the back and keeping an eye on me. About an hour and half later, Joe lets me know he is done, and it will not be able to be traced even by the best hackers in the world. Something about being routed through a lot of proxy servers. I thank him and watch him leave.

     I am both scared and excited to talk to the girls again. After arguing with myself for about an hour, I finally went to the computer. I decided to call Ivy's number. I know she is probably in the kitchen helping Grams, Sheila, Sadie, and Jules get things ready for Sunday family dinner. I click on the calling app that Joe installed for me. I take three deep calming breaths and look at Tank on his bed by me. "I can do this, right?" I ask him. He gives me a big doggy smile, I guess that's a yes. I dial and listen to it ring. After the third ring, I hear a familiar voice say, "Hello." I gasp and smile but have tears rolling down my face. "Hello? Anyone there? Cherry is that you?" I hear from the other end of the line snapping me out of my haze. "Yes, it's me. God, I miss you, Ivy. How are you and my boys? Are you telling them about me?" I reply crying. I hear her start crying, "Mom, Grams, girls, it's Cherry. Come over here. Hon, are you okay? We miss you too. The boys are good. Of course, I will tell them about you. I wish you would come home. Maria is gone. We all know the truth. No one would treat you badly ever again. Are you safe? Alejandro has a bounty out for you. Where are you?" They are all talking together. I can't really tell who is asking what with my tears and emotions going haywire. "I am safe, and I am okay. I know about the bounty; a friend told me. That friend said they sent a warning to Tech that he would look for me there. You ladies need to be vigilant and safe. I can't tell you where I am. It's safer for me and you that way. I am not coming back; my heart needs to heal. I love you all though. You can message this number and I will call you back when I can. I want to and need to talk to you ladies. I miss you all so much." I reply. "Khaos hates himself for how he acted and treated you. The other guys do too. I won't push you for answers. Just know that coming home is always an option. This is your home, don't ever doubt that. We love you." Ivy responds. "I know and appreciate that. I love you ladies and most of the guys too. You are my family. I am glad you are trying to respect my decision. I will have to go soon." I tell them.

    They are making small talk with me and filling me in on what I am missing. Then all of the sudden, "I am so sorry, babe. I should have never doubted you. I don't blame you if you never forgive or believe me, but I have to tell you that I am truly sorry. I have done a lot of thinking and realizing a lot of things since you disappeared. I want you to know one of them is that I love you. I am in love with you, and I pushed you away because I was afraid of being judged by other clubs. That makes me a complete and total dumb jackass. I know that too. I hope someday you can forgive me, and I would love it if you came home. I want you where I can protect you." Khaos interrupts our conversation. "Thank you for telling me that. I don't know what else you want me to say. I am glad you are growing up. I have to go; Tank needs to go out. Bye everyone." I say hanging up. I can hear them trying to talk to me more in the background before the line goes dead.

     As soon as I disconnect, I sob, and Tank comes up to me. I can't talk or anything, the tears are so thick they are almost choking me. I would have died to hear him say those things anytime in the last couple of years. Now I am not sure how I feel about his confession. I just drop from my chair to the floor hugging Tank while I ugly cry. Eventually I fall asleep like that, I know because I wake up stiff and on the floor clinging to Tank. I get up and am just so tired still from my emotional conversation. I let Tank out to do his business so we can just go to bed. When we finally make it to bed the tears are back in full force and I fall asleep with a dream of my family and the life I should have had with Khaos.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now