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      I sneak out of the room after Doc and Paige's announcement of the pregnancy. I love them and am extremely happy for them, but the fighting with Khaos daily is destroying me. I see Maria walking towards me with a smug look, I turn and head for the rec room., I know there is video and audio in there. I know she will follow, and it will be empty since everyone is with Doc and Paige.

    Of course, she follows and closes the door behind her. The dumb bitch thinks she is playing me and this time I am here. "Khaos is never going to believe you. He thinks you are just a jealous bitch, and he is going to ask his daddy and club to ban you. Once you are gone, I will get the rest of these inbred dumbasses to trust me then tell Alejandro all of the weaknesses to get all those bitches out here. I will make sure Khaos keeps tabs on you so you cannot attack me since I am so scared of you and Alejandro will get his little Irish doll back too. Hell might even have him kill the big dumb buffoon Khaos too since you are in love with him. Sure, know how to pick them, princess. Isn't that what Daddy always called you? I hope he kills you. I just know you won't be his favorite when he gets you back, I fought hard to get that position. That's why he gave me this responsibility. "Let the club rescue you, my little doll. Get them to trust you and with your help, I will have all their women." Would have worked better without you here but we didn't know where you were and now, I do and soon Daddy will too. Enjoy your freedom and life while you can." Maria mocks then turns and storms out. I know I have got the proof now. I turn and look at the camera before I leave.

    Time for the next part of my plan. I return to my room and pack everything I need. I load the nearly eighty thousand from the bank into a bag too. That makes four bags total. Medic and Leena are leaving tomorrow morning. I can maybe stow away with them. I take the elevator to the garage to check the situation. Yes. The vehicle he brought, I will easily be able to hide my four bags and me. I don't want them to see me either. I don't want anyone to know where I am. Now just wait for when I can sneak here.

    So, I head back to my room. I make sure to get the new identity papers I have made. Yes, I have been planning this for a few weeks. I didn't have Tech make them, but they are still good. I set an alarm for 2 am and lay down. Soon between the tears and just being drained, the darkness welcomes me.

    I wake to my alarm and get everything together. I decided to write a couple of notes. I address one to Sheila and Mayhem. I address one to everyone but Khaos. Lastly, I address one to Khaos. Then I text Sheila the information about checking the video and audio for the rec room and at what time. Make sure everyone sees it. I also tell her I love her. I drop my cut-up credit cards, my phone, and my tracker bracelet on the bed. I grab my bags and take the elevator to the garage. I hid myself and my bags among everything else in the Medic's van. Within thirty minutes I hear Medic and Leena approach. They throw another bag in front of me, and they pull out. They have a plus one that they don't know about. In my head, I say my final goodbyes to all I love and a big FUCK YOU TO KHAOS. Thank God I don't snore and can get some more sleep.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now