Standing Up For My Brother

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     After Khaos left, I sat down and just thought about how he must feel. It wasn't just him that thought Cherry was lying or doing what she could to become an ol' lady. Now most people are treating him like a leper. Even mom and dad give him disappointed looks. I know they still love him but are upset with him. I hate seeing him like this. I look around and most are still here. I have a plan; I ask Wolf to get the few who are missing but not Khaos. I wave over a few of the sweetbutts. I ask them to help keep the guys in here but not to make it obvious. They nod and agree to help.

After about ten minutes everyone but Khaos is in the room. I ask Wolf, Ink, Beast, and Ice to close and guard all of the doors. I get up on the bar and use the air horn that I bought to break up arguments. That shuts up all conversations and gets everyone's attention. "I have some questions for all of you and then I have something I want to explain to all of you." I yell so everyone can tell I am pissed. "Are any of you perfect? Have any of you ever made a fucking mistake? Said things out of anger? Let some bitches twist your mind up? I know the answers to all of these questions. No one in this room is perfect. You all have made mistakes. We all say things out of anger. I have personally seen several of you let some bitches twist your mind up. We all still talk to every single one of you. Nobody treats you like lepers. No one lets you suffer in silence over your mistakes. Five or six of you in this room are just as guilty as Khaos on the way Cherry was treated. People still talk to you fuckers. I love this club and everyone in this building and that includes Khaos. I am ashamed of everyone in this room but my husband who knows how to let things go. Mom and Dad, I know you are disappointed in Khaos and so does he. He doesn't need to see it your eyes all the time. Bear and Sadie stop whispering conversations while staring or glaring at him. Everyone, quit with; the stop talking when he walks in bullshit. He is still your son, brother by blood, or brother in this club and your Goddamn Vice President. It is about time all of you pull your heads out of your own ass and treat him with fucking respect. He made a fucking mistake, forgive him for it already. He is suffering and you all are failing him by letting him do it in silence and alone. Do better and for the love of God, be better brothers. Be the club I know and love. There I said my peace and I hope you all really look inward before you keep judging so hard outwards." I tell all of them. Wolf helps me down and we leave to go see the twins. I need their sweet innocents right now.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now