Plans In The Making

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    I wake up in the morning to Cherry bringing me breakfast in bed. "Thanks, baby girl," I say as she sets the tray down. She kisses me and tells me good morning. She sets up a computer on the desk. "Aren't you going to eat?" I ask. "I already ate with the girls. Timberleigh, Poppy, and Willow seem to fit right in with everyone else seamlessly. You were sleeping like the dead this morning, so I let you. Now I am going to look up things for training and maybe contact the guy I got Tank from to ask questions." she replies.

     Cherry does all kinds of checking things and talking to the guy in Louisiana while I eat. I walk over to see what she is doing and how her research is going. She was looking at local contractors, "We have a contractor. That will be the best one to use, cheapest too." I tell her. I bring up his info on the computer. She contacts him and tells him what she wants. She sends him blueprints that include the perks she wants in them. It would let her house twenty-four dogs at a time. He quotes her 25000. Basically, just charging her a little above the cost of materials. She tells him as soon as the club votes it in, she'll contact him. "We need to let your pops know what I found out. It's going to cost $46836 to start it up. That includes our licenses, building the kennels that house the dogs, adopting twenty-four dogs, vetting all twenty-four of them, all the equipment, books to train them, and dog food for a year. That gives us a year to train the first ones and not have that cost coming out. I have that much. My friend is buying my house in Louisiana and is going to use it for women she helps them escape abusive situations and sets them up with new identities. They can stay there for a while till they can move on to a new place." Cherry says with pride. "I am so proud of you, baby girl. Let's get some lunch, and then we will talk to Dad." I tell her.

     We hurry down to grab some lunch and when we get off the elevator, we see Rayne having it out with MaryAnn. "Isn't that the woman that I saw the video of you telling off for touching you?" Cherry asks. "Yeah, it is. That girl is trouble. We need to just kick her to the curb." I reply. "Need to be smart and not kick anyone until after Alejandro is dealt with. Remember what happened with Daisy? We could lock her ass up until it's dealt with. Depends on what she did now." she tells me. MaryAnn tries to throw a punch at Rayne and Cherry grabs her arm throwing her down. "That's enough bitch. You know it's against the rule to hit an ol' lady. Khaos, love, put the skank in a cell. Chain her ass up. I will find out what is going on. ALL YOU FUCKING SWEETBUTTS BETTER FIGURE IT OUT QUICK, THE BITCH IS BACK AND THE DRAMA BULLSHIT STOPS NOW!" Cherry commands. Now I remember why she was in charge of all the sweetbutts, to begin with. I grab MaryAnn and take her to a cell while she cries. When I chain her up, she tells me, "I am sorry for all the trouble. It's not fair, I have been good to all of you and two whores get made an ol' lady before me. I deserve to be taken care of. I deserve a man." she cries. "First off, one of those so-called whores is my ol' lady. Talk like that again and I will remove your tongue. Secondly, you don't know her story other than rumors, so keep your opinions to yourself. Thirdly you will have a chance to tell your side to her when she comes to talk to you. Enjoy your stay." I say condescendingly.

     When I get back upstairs, Cherry waves me over to sit by her, Rayne, and Knucklehead. Damien, one of our newer prospects, drops us all plates of food for lunch and Grayson, his identical twin, is behind him with drinks options. They are good prospects and I figure they will make the cut. They would be good to help Cherry with her project, train them with the dogs, and they could be rented out as K9 security. Rayne and Knucklehead explain how MaryAnn started trying to flirt with Knucklehead. When Rayne and he both told her to back off, he was a claimed man, she called Rayne a cheap whore. It escalated from there. She even went as far as claiming Rayne blackmailed Knucklehead into claiming her. I could tell Cherry is pissed. "Let's talk to Dad first before you talk to MaryAnn," I suggest. "Yeah, that's probably the best idea. I also need to talk to him about not kicking her out until after Alejandro is handled," she replies with a tight smile.

KHAOS' SAVING GRACE - SONS OF SILENCE MC (BOOK 3)Where stories live. Discover now