Chapter 6: The Dance

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Your name is Dave and your getting dressed for your early school dance, you question the principle but honestly are kinda thankful for the perfect timing.

You want to be formal but not black tie formal so you decide to wear your red suit with a black record symbol on the upper Jacket pocket. You walk down to the car with bro and get in.

Once the car is rolling you notice the smirk on bro's face "what?" You ask "oh I'm just proud of you little man." You smirk, you wanna feel good about that but you just feel like going up and slapping him.

Once you get out of the car you look back at bro "hey so remember, don't pick me up! K?" He looks to you before leaving "whatever you say little man, just be careful it's a 2 and a half mile walk!" You nod in confirmation and walk to the cafe where the dance is taking place.

You walk into the cafe and look for your friends. You see them sitting at their regular table, you approach them and notice John scarfing down a piece of pizza, Rose is looking at this girl that is dancing on the other side of the crowd with a red skirt and a you think it looks like a black t-shirt with teal writing on it but you don't look long enough to to find out.

Then you look back and see Jade seated at the table, very excited as usual. She is wearing blue shoes and a blue dress with this symbol in the middle you don't know the name of.
(Jade's POV)
You are sitting in your seat watching Dave approach you, when he reaches you. You feel him grab your hand and ask you"may I have this dance?" You can't help but giggle at his old-fashioned nature.

You get up and walk with him near the middle of the floor as the slow song comes on. "Dave, looks like you came at the perfect time." You smile, he puts his arms around your waist and you rest yours around his head. "Well Jade, I have been known to make an entrance." He smirks.

As the song passed you would rest your head on his shoulder, you could see his smirk grow from the corner of your eye and you couldn't help but smile. The song was about over now and you walked with him holding hands back to your seats.

You see John making comments about you two, mainly just about how cute you two are. You look around but don't see where Jade went, "hey um John where is Rose?" You ask, he looks up and points behind you towards the dance floor.

Dave smirks and you just chuckle lightly as you see her dancing a somewhat up-beat song with that girl she was looking at earlier. "Wow, I've never seen Rose dance like that." You remark, Dave looks at you smirking a little, puts his arm around you and comments "Rose has danced before?" He scoffs, you hear John laugh in the back.

"Um... Well no, i guess not." You awkwardly respond, Dave's smirk grows. As time passes you somehow get Dave to dance with you for a few more songs. Around this time the dance is almost over, and everyone is beginning to leave or getting picked up.
(Dave's POV)
You end up being one of the last kids there dancing slowly to the last slow song they played before closing up the dance. After they kick you out you walk with Jade holding hands to drop her off.

Once you reach her door you stop and pull her in and kiss her. You can see the blush grow on her face as she giggles adorably as she waves goodbye and walks into her house.

You take in a deep breath, fix your shades and begin to walk home since now it's only about a mile away. Once you reach your apartment you take the elevator up and go to your room, bro greets you as you walk in "hey little man, did you have fun?"

You smirk "yea.." He smirks at you "heh, did you kiss?" You look back at him "how the hell can you read this shit? You have some psychic powers?" You yell "pretty much..." He mocks you, you roll your eyes as you walk in your room "yea...we did." You said as you closed your door behind you.

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