Chapter 17: Apearently there was a surprise

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Your name is Dave and your at John's but the weird part is that you were called over so were a good amount of his friends being: you, Jade, Kanaya, Rose and Roxy.

"John why are we here?" You ask somewhat demanding, you see him extremely eager jumping in his seat back and forth. You feel like maybe it could have something to do with his birthday since it is in four days.

"Ok so guys as you know my birthday is in a few days." We all nod, John's dad comes out with a cake "we're going to disney worl-" "I SAID NOO CAKE!!!" John instantly yells cutting him off. Everyone chuckles and his dad makes his way back to the kitchen with the cake.

He walks back and puts his favorite pipe back in his mouth. "So... Disney world you were gonna say?" Offered Jade, he nodded. We all cheered but stopped for a minute. "Hey guys what's wrong? Aren't you excited?" John's dad asked, we all agreed yes but then Jade spoke up "well, how are we gonna afforded it?" Everyone looked at John's dad waiting for an answer.

"Ok, so i've already talked to your parents about the expenses so just don't worry about." He replied, we all resumed cheering for a few minutes. "Hey, so how long are we going?" Roxy asked, "well we go up on Friday after school then come back Tuesday afternoon."

We all hung out at John's house for a few hours just chillin before our parents picked us up. We hung out in our regular couples. Now that you think about it, it's kinda funny how all of you guys are just in relationships. It's actually pretty impressive.

John was laying next to Roxy on the bed, Rose and Kanaya were on the inflatable mattress that was left there from last weekend and you sat on John's spinning desk chair with Jade on your lap.

You would all kiss for the majority of the time since there wasn't really anything to do, plus even if there was all of you guys would still be kissing because you find it way more entertaining than any of John's video games.

Eventually you all got picked up by your parents and went home, you were last to be picked up, by Bro. You just got home and went to bed since you still had Thursday and Friday to go to school and you decided you will pack your stuff tomorrow.
(Jade's POV and time-skip to Friday)
You're really excited to go to disney world, you went there once before but you were very young and you don't really remember the experience much.

You have all your bags ready and you dropped them off at Dave's house. You all came in three cars since there was a lot of stuff to bring. It was you went with Dave, Roxy went with John and Kanaya went with Rose... Obviously. Before you leave you give grandpa a big hug and thank him for watching Bec while you're gone.

Your school day was pretty boring and quick to be honest. You are pretty certain that's a good thing though. You really want it to go by fast so you can go to disney world!!! Gosh you really are excited.

You walk holding hands with Dave, you keep on rambling on about what you think what you guys should do. You feel like you might be talking to much but keep going on and on because you can't contain your excitement.

You help them load up the car and sit in the backseat with Dave. You lean in close to him and look over and see Dirk looking into the rearview mirror, "ok so ground rules! No illegal shit, none at all! No fucking in my car or in the hotel, no alcohol and don't do or go anywhere we said not to. I got us a two rooms so you two love birds have your privacy but that's why i said no fucking, got it?"

We nod in confirmation, "ok good." He pulls away from the curb and starts driving. You rest your head on Dave's shoulder as he put his arm around you. His jacket smells really nice, it smells like... Like a light cologne but not to much where it hurts your nose.

Its an hour and a half drive from where you guys live so at least it won't take soo long to get there. You ended up falling asleep, and sleeping for about an hour until you were woken up by the sound of his voice.

"Jade, Jade, Jade, Jade." You finally wake up "huh? Are we there?" You sit up, he smirks "yeah." He opens the door and reaches his hand out to help you. You cheer and take his hand quickly getting out of the car.

"Woah..." You look over and you can see the beautiful lights from the roller coasters at disney world "we are really close to the park!" You exclaim excitedly "yea, this is actually the closest available hotel! Everyone else is here, we would've gotten all the rooms close to each other but they didn't have many so we were lucky to even get rooms next door!" Dirk replies.

You look to him "are we not going to disney world?" He scoffs "not at 8 o' clock at night we aren't." You look down "oh yea..." You realize you were completely unaware of the time and just nervously chuckle pretending that short conversation never happened.

You and Dave help him unload the stuff from the car and right before we went into our rooms for the night he stopped us short "ok so remember! No FUCKING! Got it?" You and him nod in slow and irritated manner since you've heard this four times now.

He closes the door behind him then you walk into your room with Dave. He locks the door instantly and walks you too the bed casually smirking and raising his eyebrows. You know he wouldn't disrespect Bro just because but he still gives you a nervous rush when he does this.

You giggle and fall on top of him on the bed. You and him mainly just kiss for about twenty minutes and then watch some T.V. You were really just cuddling and trying to keep your eyes open for just a few more minutes to watch the show, luckily you are certain you lasted longer than Dave!

He must've not gotten a nap on the car trip or something cause you looked up and saw his eyes weren't open and you were hearing some kind of heavy breathing. Oh god even his snore is perfect its like practically silent, oh thank god. You hate loud snoring so much!!
A/n: ok so this is where i had to get creative to be honest but somehow i did it!! Wooo! Ok so thank you guys so so so much for the support!! Almost 800 views!! And almost 90 votes! Thank you guys so so much again and sorry that my story is almost over :/ but i mean still check out my katnip story. Im a little stumped for it currently so if you guys have suggestions drop a comment on the katnip... Heh that sounded like it made no sense.
Anyway thanks again!!

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