9. A Piece of Advice

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Music for the Chapter: Now or Never by Halsey

The entry was through a circular gate hovering in the air

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The entry was through a circular gate hovering in the air. It connected the portal on Meru Mountain to the Swarga. Clouds were visible from the height. The burst of colours in the place was so beautiful. Divine looking trees around which gave out golden light. Several gazebos here and there. The pillars in the gazebos were such a skill of carving that it would mesmerize you. 

Have you ever gone to an ancient temple, looked at their beauty and been mesmerized? Then wondered how they would look in their greatest glory? 

Yeah. That is how Swarga looks. Even Greece and Rome's architecture falls short because the beauty of Swarga. 

I could start to understand why the asuras desire Swarga so much. Hanuman had brought us to Swarga through a vimana.

Swarga was extremely beautiful. It was like a fantasy city.

There was one very prominent building. It was made from white marble that could put Taj Mahal to shame. Taj Mahal may be starting to get yellow but this large sky-touching palace was pure white with the exception of beige sandstone here and there. Several security towers around the palace.

"That is Indra's Palace." Hanuman told us. The palace was high as skyscrapers. Even Burj Khalifa fell short at the height at which Indra lived in. A long flight of stairs took up the palace from the ground. Instead of domes, there were large gopurams. Such skilled carvings were around that it added to the beauty of the palace. Large sculptures acted as stations for Devas and their arrivals from their own Capitals.

"It is beautiful," I commented.

Hanuman smiled.

"All the departments in Devaloka have their office here. This palace has to be able to host 33 crore people. When we say Mukkoti Devas. We specify the 33 kinds of deities. These are deities we pray to. Not all of the 33-crore people who work for these people."

"Yes. Omkara had told me."

"So, don't Devas have their own offices in their own lokas?" Harsh asked.

"Swarga is also called Devaloka. Hence, the Capital of all the Devas. The capital of Swarga is Indra's Palace. It is called Amaravati. She who is Eternal. So, the devas have head offices in their own lokas but they have offices here as well. Each Deva keeps communication from their own loka to the office in here. These people send reports to the Capital on a regular basis."

A Vimana appeared before us. We climbed over it. It took us to the main gate of the Palace.

The city below was beautiful too. Several homes, markets and stuff.

"Do people live here?"

"Yes. Other than the 33-crore people who work for Devas, there are Devanshas, Legacies and souls who have achieved Swarga through the merit of their actions."

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