Old Friends

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Disclaimers: I do not own TO or it's characters.
Spoilers: season 4


She can't watch her, but she sure can listen.

She focuses on the sound of the heartbeat she has longed to hear for five years. She focuses on it because right now, it is much better than giving into the pain, and the anger and confusion that she feels.

Putting aside the biting of the mask, and the burn of the Wolfsbane-laced chain cuffs on her wrists, Keelin tries to convince herself that this isn't the same Freya she knew all those years ago.

That it was a different blonde-haired, green-eyed, fierce Mikaelson witch she was quite acquainted with.

But she would know that voice anywhere; would recognize that determined, protective look in those green eyes.

Even after five years.

But only for a second, before Freya ripped the mask from Hayley's hands and forced it back onto her face, ignoring her cries of pain, and Hayley's protests.

So she listens to her heartbeat. Counts the beats per minute, tries to match her own with the tempo.

She tries to tell herself that it doesn't mean anything; that Freya not remembering her simply by her face doesn't mean a damn thing. She's been asleep for five years, so of course she wouldn't know who Keelin was.


It is during one of the rare moments that Freya listens to Hayley when she argues on giving Keelin a break from the mask, that Keelin gets to watch her.

She bites her lip, memories flooding her mind. Time spent out on the town, watching over Hope, playing with the toddler, reading to her, watching Freya perform magic...

God how she's missed it.

When Freya practically dropped off the face of the earth, stopped returning her phone calls, and she didn't hear a word from her nor about Hope, Keelin was worried.

She was worried about Freya's Aunt Dahlia, and the thought of the despicable woman finding them, hurting them...

It terrified her, but as the years drug on, no word from Freya, nothing at all...

But now, well, now she gets to watch her. She's even more beautiful than Keelin remembers.

And she's alive. And not hurt.

She doesn't remember the wolf, obviously.

But that's fine.

Because Freya is ok.

She was given a ten minute break, and Keelin speaks without thinking, without using her brain first because if she did, she would keep her mouth shut, and she just can't do that.

She has to know.

Does Freya have any inkling of who she is?

Would she care?

She promised to never intentionally hurt Keelin, but five years is a long time.

"You know," She starts. "You look more beautiful now than you did back then, if that's even possible."

Freya freezes from where she was concentrating on a spell. But she doesn't say anything so Keelin runs her tongue over her lips, and takes a split second to think over her next words.

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