Weathering the Storm

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The severe weather finally hits, and things don't go so well for the Mikaelsons and Keelin.

Yo, what's up, everyone? Happy Monday! This chapter is more on the dark side and a lot less fluffy than the others. It has a trigger warning, as explained, 👇🏼 so please be cautious while reading!

Also, I researched my notes and tried my very best to determine if this would, in fact, be a panic attack vs. an anxiety attack. What I came up with was, yes, it would be. However, if I am wrong, and this is a situation that would better fit an anxiety attack, please let me know! I do not want to misrepresent or misinterpret those scenarios. 💚

Trigger Warning: night terror. Also a panic attack that is detailed. Will be marked.


Keelin comes downstairs about an hour later, freshly showered and face, hopefully, clear of any signs that she has been crying.

Everyone is gathered in the kitchen; Elijah is with Hayley, Hope in his arms, by the sink, Freya is pacing the floor, and Kol stands behind Rebekah, sat at the table, with his arms folded.

Mary is blocking the doorway, but moves when Keelin comes up behind her.

Klaus is also sat at the table, and it seems everyone is waiting on someone to speak. Or maybe someone to answer a previously asked question.

Hope notices her first, but for once, the little girl just stays where she is, instead greeting her verbally.

It causes Freya to freeze in her pacing, and spin around.

Keelin moves further into the room.

"Wolf," Klaus grits out, when she walks closer, his eyes still angry and body posture defensive, as if he cannot figure out why every single other person is angry with him.

Keelin grabs Freya's hands; she knows that look. Linking their fingers, she murmurs low into her, "Don't," and gently squeezes her hands to emphasize.

"Elijah?" She speaks next. "Take Hope out to the garden, please."

The little girl protests the entire way from the kitchen sink to the front door. Keelin sends Hayley after them, and then waits... once Hope's heartbeat is far enough away, Keelin drops the calm pretenses.

"She's gone now, Klaus." Keelin states, looking directly at him, hand still linked with Freya's, which she gestures with. "So go ahead; enlighten us with your oh-so great reasonings for tossing me across a fucking room and splitting my head open."

Keelin takes a step forward... then another. A third is as far as their hands will let her go; Freya is not moving with her, nor is she letting go of her hand. But it is enough.

"Please explain to me, Niklaus, how do you justify this?"

Klaus stands up, she can feel Freya move closer to her back, as her brother paces forward.

"I don't have to explain anything to you, Wolf."

Keelin's eyes flit to the right; Rebekah watches her, still sitting, an outward air of calmness, while, in her eyes, a war rages, waiting for permission to be let lose.

Kol has a similar stance. They are both waiting for the moment they will need to step in to intervene.

"No? Well, I am sure Hope," She says her name with extra emphasis, watching as his eyes flash golden. "would love to know why you threw me into the cabinet and busted my head open... or do you not care about what your violence does to the people who witnesse it?"

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