Fluff & Stuff

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Update: Changed Hope's booster-seat to an actual carseat. Our baby is just too small for a regular ol' booster. :)

Freya and Keelin go home. They also talk to Hope about what she might like to do for her seventh birthday, coming up on May 2.


*Safe House*

Freya arrives home first. She waits for Keelin to show up, and then basically pounces on her the moment her driver's side door is opened.

Keelin does not mind at all.

"Mmm... as much I love you greeting me like this," She whispers after forcing herself to pull away. "We should get inside before we are either caught by a six-year-old or one of your siblings." Keelin says as she allows just one more.

"I don't care if we are caught." She pouts as Keelin kisses her nose.

"I know you think that, baby, but we agreed not to in front of them just yet. Not until you are ready."

Freya leans forward, resting her forehead gently against Keelin's. "I want to be ready for you." She whispers, and Keelin's heart melts.

"Oh, baby," She coos, brushing her thumb across Freya's cheek. "I know you do. But I've had five and a half years to think about what I want." She really hopes revealing that will not scare her off. "But I know you didn't have that time, and I am willing to wait for as long as you need, ok?"

Freya blinks in surprise.

"You've thought of it for that long?" Her question is full of curiosity... It helps Keelin's anxiety tremendously.

"I have."

"That is a very long time." Freya whispers. Keelin's heart sinks; she revealed her hand too soon. She prepares herself for Freya to pull away and decide this has been too much, too soon.

Instead, Freya leans in and kisses her; slow and long, and full of gentleness... once she pulls away, she kisses Keelin's nose, and then her forehead, resting hers against it.

"I'm sorry I was gone for so long." Keelin swallows, but otherwise holds her breath. "We could have been doing this for those five years instead."

"We could have, yes." Now it's Keelin's turn to kiss her nose. The witch scrunches it up adorably. "And we have all the time in the world to decide how this... thing develops between us, ok?" She pulls away to meet Freya's eyes.

"I'm not going anywhere, and I will not pressure you into anything until you are ready."

"But we can still do this," Freya demonstrates and gets her point across perfectly. "In the meantime, right?"

"I wouldn't dream of it going any way else."

Freya hums at that. "Am I... in your dreams a lot?" She grins as Keelin answers without hesitation.

"Of course. All the time, babe."

"And what, exactly, am I doing in your dreams?"

Hmm. Here lately? Keelin muses to herself. You, me, ten years from now, married. We sit on our back deck and enjoy the late-summer afternoons, while we watch our son and daughter play tag with Hope in our backyard.

(Amongst other things. Like who would carry their baby, Freya teaching magic, Keelin coming home to her wife and kids cooking dinner... plus more saucy things that she DEFINITELY is not ready to admit out loud...)

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