How Do You Really Feel? (Klaus & Keelin)

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Klaus overhears Keelin talking on the phone. She gives out more details of their situation than he is comfortable, and doesn't like when she refuses to give him answers to his demands. Instead, he does what Niklaus Mikaelson does best: picks a fight.

Note about Keelin's friend Britney. Britney is a female, however, they use they/them pronouns, so I will be using such when I refer to Britney.

Enjoy! :)


Wednesday, March 13th, 2019


"So, how's the domestic life with the vampire family?" Brit asks as Keelin rolls her eyes.

"I hate you." Keelin responds.

"No, you don't. You looovve me." Britney answers in a singsong voice.

Keelin takes the mug of coffee she had been stirring and sits down at the kitchen table. It is mid-morning and everyone is outside.

The weather is actually warm right now, so they are enjoying their cups of coffee on the back porch

She can hear Hope and Kol trying to convince Elijah to come to the woods with them. God only knows what those two have in store... because it certainly can't be a simple walk in the woods.

Everybody wants to enjoy the nice weather before the storms roll in later this afternoon. It was supposed to hit two days ago but got pushed back.

This morning, on the radio they have gotten in the habit of playing during breakfast, watches and warnings were already being issued.

As she sits, Keelin adjusts the phone, and takes a sip of the coffee.

"So, you still haven't revealed your location to anyone." Brit comments, and Keelin hums in agreement.

"Nope. You know, I love them to death, and god knows, if the situations were reversed, I would be more than worried... but, Brit, I can't do it. I can't risk it like that." She tells them. "I refuse to put Hope's life at risk because god only knows, who might be able to get that information."

It is too much of a risk. The Mikaelson family is not the only who have enemies that are hunting them. The people who killed her family, her pack, who want her dead... who would do anything possible to get their hands in her...

They would not hesitate to use Hope, or Freya, or anyone else as leverage.

Britney nods. "Good. You're doing the right thing, Keelin. I know they keep pressuring you, but you can't risk it. That little girl's safety is more important than everyone else getting the answers they want."

"Yeah." Keelin sighs.

"Besides," Britney pauses to listen to a voice in the background. Their daughter is showing them something. "Look at that, baby." They can be heard commenting. "You did so well."

After a moment, she turns back to the phone call.

"Anyway, as I was saying... Even if you did explain everything, no one would understand. Luca and Jer, Logan, hell, even Lilah, no one was there back then, Kee. They don't know your history with Freya and Hope, you know?"

"Yeah, I know." Keelin says, blowing out a slow breath.

"Besides, to tell the truth would mean telling them you're a wolf, and I know you are not ready for that. They wouldn't understand anyway; all they'd hear is 'guess what, guys, I'm a werewolf! I turn hairy on a full moon! Yep, that actually happens!!

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