To Hell and Back pt. 2

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Part 2. They try again with the ring, and some stuff happens. Oh, and the Rik in this chapter is not Alaric. ;)

Enjoy. :)


5 years ago – February 2014


*Third person point of view – Camille*

As she awakens, and starts to come to her senses, alarm bells go off in her head.

This is most definitely not her bedroom at the Mikaelson Compound.

Camille looks around the room. The walls are made of cold cement blocks, with no window or outside light source, like a basement.

It is also bare except for the mattress she is sitting on, and there is a small toilet and sink, both in the opposite corner of the room.

Her head aches from where she was knocked out. She doesn't remember much; just earlier — either today or yesterday, or days ago, for all she knows — when she was with Hayley and Hope, enjoying a visit to the park.

She remembers chasing Hope around the playground equipment, and her showing Hayley all the new skills she acquired over the last ten months that Camille and Freya have watched the toddler.

Camille tries to hold on to that. It won't do any good if she starts panicking, she tries to remind herself.

Even if the cold concrete walls, and that faint light bulb hanging from the ceiling, and the literal fucking steel door entombing her in this prison-like room–


Focus on what you can control, and what you know, not panicking about what is happening.

The toilet and sink tell her that whoever took her is more than the regular assholes that hold a vendetta against Klaus and his family.

If this was supposed to be a simple kidnapping, someone wanting revenge or whatever, they would just kill her, right?

Witches and vampires... Even some of the wolves. She is no stranger to the consequences that come with knowing and associating with Niklaus Mikaelson.

If this was Dahlia's work, then that evil bitch would be here. She would be taunting her — taunting them — about finally succeeding in getting close enough to get to Camille.

Camille glances around the room, once... twice... the longer she looks, the more that dread in her belly grows. This isn't right.

She closes her eyes, breathes in slowly, and exhales... repeating three times. She slowly stretches out one leg, then the other; both seem to be in good shape.

She examines her arms next; no visible marks or injuries.

Her head still hurts like a bitch, but she still forces herself to ignore the headache, and try to bring forth any memory at all of what exactly led her here. Were there more than one person? A vampire? Quick speed, or magic to knock her out, or-

But there's nothing. Just a- a big, blank, hole where the memory of what happened between leaving the park with Hayley and Hope, and waking up here, should be.

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