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Here is the next chapter. I did some flashbacks in it to show Keelin's past with Hope and Freya.

Enjoy! :)


She's outside pacing while on the phone. Freya is still inside the barn, doing last minute additions before she can officially wake up her siblings.

Keelin's decided that, at some point, she needed to call what few friends she had and let them know she was ok.

"I'm fine, Jer. I'm-... I'm not hurt or in trouble, or anything. I just-" She sighs, trying to figure out a way to get him to stop worrying without explaining all the finer details.

That is definitely not something she wants to discuss over the phone.

She isn't even using her phone to begin with; it is Freya's. Her own is dead and she isn't sure when she'll get to charge it again.

"Look, it's complicated. But, I am not going to be back for a while, I'm not sure when, exactly, but definitely not any time soon."

She pauses, listens to what's he's saying, and sighs, pinching the bridge of her nose.

"No, Jared. I can't just explain because it long and very complicated, and honestly, this is not something that I want to discuss on the phone..." ... "Look, I have to go, ok? Just let everyone know that I'm fine, and I will try to call against soon."

He tries to protest; it's been nearly three days since Hayley took her, and he is definitely not satisfied with her vague excuses of what happened, or who she is with at the moment.

"I have to go, Jer. I'll talk to you as soon as I can." ... "Yeah, love you, too. Give the boys a hug and kiss for me." ... "Bye, Jer."

She ends the calls and sighs. Just as she is heading back inside, the phone rings again.

Hayley's name comes up on Caller I.D. She answers it as she was texting Hayley earlier and assumes this call is meant for her.


"Hey, it's me. I'm on my way, are you ready?" Keelin blows out a breath as her eyes flick towards the barn's entrance. She can hear Freya moving around inside.

"Yeah. I need to talk to Freya, but I'll be ready when you get here."

Hayley gives her an ETA of 20 minutes, and they hang up. Keelin heads inside, finds Freya at the table, watches her until she senses Keelin's presence behind her.


Keelin smiles. She always got lost in watching Freya perform her magic; even the mundane spell like making feathers float, or lighting a candle with the wave of her hand. Usually anything that would entertain Hope.

Hearing Hope's giggles and seeing Freya relax... it was mesmerizing. Keelin could watch her do it for hours.


Freya's voices pulls her to the present again. She blinks and tries to clear her thoughts.

Waving the phone, she says, "Thanks for letting me use it," Then, she silently takes a deep breath to try to prepare herself.

"Hayley is on her way here." She knows Freya will definitely not react positively to this, "She's going to pick me up and take me into town."

"What? Why? What for?" Freya shoots off rapidly, and Keelin almost fails to stop herself from smirking in amusement.

Almost though.

Because she does manage, thank god.

"I'm going to a motel for a few hours. I need a shower and a change of clothes, and I really need to do something with this mess I call my hair."

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