Post Storm Revelation

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Rating: T

The stormy weather continues. And the Mikaelsons have questions about the things Hope revealed to them.

Hey. Sorry about the late update. I was with my grandma yesterday. Please cautious while reading this one. It includes a flashback to the night Keelin was attacked.

Warning: mentions of  blood.

Enjoy! :)


"What the bloody hell does this mean?!" Keelin can hear Kol shout from the kitchen, where everyone except Keelin and Freya are gathered.

Hope's revelation has... well, shocked would definitely be an understatement.

They don't understand how she knew. Not now, not back then.

There is literally no possible way for Hope to know what happened to Keelin that night.

There is no way Keelin being hurt triggered her screaming and crying and being inconsolable until Camille brought her home and she was in Keelin's arm.

There is just no way.

That is what Freya is trying to convince herself of right now.

She paces the length of the room; thunder booms outside, and the rain picks up in rhythm.


"This doesn't make sense, Keelin."

"I know." She continues the rocking motion, but Hope is still turned sideways and watches Freya. Her eyes are getting droopy, though, so they keep their voices quiet.

"She never saw you! There is no way for her to know all of this."

"Freya, I know all of this. You don't have to convince me." Keelin wants to stand up and step in the path she is burning in the floor, but with Hope still in her lap, she can't. "Honey, look at me."

Freya paces from the fireplace to the doorway, weaving around beanbags, the coffee table, littered with mugs of drinks, and the armchairs and random pillows and blankets.

She then turns around and repeats this process.

She makes the length of the room three times before Keelin's sharp voice cuts into her thoughts. The wolf motions to the couch, and has her listen-to-me-or-else face.

Freya walks over and drops down, resuming her previous position of leaning on the couch arm and holding Keelin's hand.

Hope is seconds away from sleep, so she knows as soon as the little girl is out, she can lay her on the couch and have a moment to calm Freya down.

"I don't know how this is possible." Keelin starts. She has run this scenario through her mind a dozen different ways in the last 20 minutes.

But she knows, without a sliver of a doubt, that Camille and Hope were nowhere near her when she was attacked that night.

Hope came through the door in Cami's arms, screaming her head off. Camille looked seconds from the same fate, disheveled, worried, and freaked out.

Freya and Keelin had been in the middle of their now years-old argument of should-I-go-or-should-I-stay, and quieten immediately as soon as the two entered.

Cami yelled for them both, but they could hear Hope and were already on their way to the front door.

They got no answers from Camille. No explanation, no this is what happened. Keelin calmed her down, checked her over, gave her a cool bath because that seemed to be the only thing that worked during moments like that.

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