The Confession

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Keelin finally talks to Freya, and reveals her true intentions of what the phone call after she first moved was going to be about. 

The moment you have all been waiting for!

Ahem. Queen_Therapist, please remember that breathing is essential to all human beings. You're going to need lots of air in this chapter.

Also shoutout to corvino-98 for voting on several chapters. 😄

Enjoy! 😉


*Keelin's hotel room*

Freya stands outside of what is Keelin's hotel room. She leans her head on the wooden door, and places a hand to the door handle.

The sun is much lower in the sky now, a orangish-pink glow halos behind her. 

"Keelin? Please, can we talk about this?" She sighs. "I promise I'm not mad. I-... I just want to talk."

There is no movement inside as far as she can tell, but she knows Keelin is in there listening.

"I know you're in there. I just want to talk, please. Look, we don't have to do anything about what happened– we can pretend like it didn't even happen, just please, don't make any rash decisions."

Still, silence.

"Please, Keelin." She leans heavily on the door, lowering her voice, but knowing the wolf can hear every word. "I just got you back, and I don't want to lose you. I can't lose you again."

She tries the handle, but, of course, being a hotel room, it is locked.

"Keelin. You know I just unlock the door myself. Then you won't have a choice!" She bangs on the door with the heel of her hand, frustration seeping into her words.

"That would be kind of pointless seeing as I am not even in there."

The words catch her off guard, as do the proximity of them. They come from right behind her instead of muffled inside...

She spins around. Keelin stands beside her vehicle, about 10 feet away. Her shoulders droop in relief.


"Come on. We can talk inside." Keelin motions, and Freya steps aside to let her unlock the door. Once in, she shuts the door, and Freya watches her pace across the room.

She sits on the bed, wrapping her arms around herself... the room seems to dip in temperature all of sudden, and she is all too aware that she is not dressed properly.

She must have zoned out at some point because she is being jostled back by Keelin draping a soft and fuzzy blanket around her shoulders.

Freya looks up, her brow crinkled, and Keelin smiles, tucking the edges of the blanket closer in around her.

"You were shivering... It's too chilly to be without a jacket."

"Sorry... I didn't exactly think to grab one when I ran after you." Keelin just hums in response, shuffling passed and to the head of the bed. She crawls up, settles against the headboard, and pats the spot beside her.

"Come up here. I need to talk to you about something." Freya's heart sinks, but still, she moves closer. She tugs the blanket tighter; it smells distinctly like Keelin, and is comforting.

She just knows this will not end well. She knew it was too good to be true. When do things turn out in her favor?

At least now, she does not have to simply wonder what it would be like to kiss her. At least now, she knows.

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