Bonding Time pt. 3 (Hope & Elijah)

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Last but not least, Hope spends some time with her Uncle Elijah. Oh, what fun does the six-year-old have in store for the prim-and-proper, suit-wearing Mikaelson brother?

I have 10 consecutive chapters completed, working on finishing #11. 💃🏼

Enjoy! :)


After their nails have sufficiently dried, and everyone has had lunch, Hope is upstairs with Hayley.

For her time with Elijah, the last of her uncles, the little girl has requested to play with Hayley's makeup. Elijah Mikaelson is going to get a 6-year-old's version of a complete makeover.

Mascara, eyeliner, blush, lipstick, eyeshadow... all in different colors. Hayley gathers them in a bag along with brushes, and helps her daughter to bring them downstairs.

Hope is wanting to also paint his nails, though she has requested Keelin be the one to help her with that.

"Uncle Elijah!"

The Mikaelson brother looks up from the newspaper he was reading in the kitchen.

His smile falters as Hayley enters behind Hope, with her makeup bag, and a handful of makeup brushes.

"Oh no."

"Oh, yes." She smirks. "Where do want me to set this stuff up, sweetie?" Hope points to the table, and Hayley sets everything out. She lays a towel down, organizing her lipsticks, blushes, and eyeshadow pallets.

This includes all the old makeup that has sense gone to Hope to play with... glitter eyeshadow is one of the ones she never used personally, but Hope sure did have fun with it.

"Uncle Elijah, I'm gonna give you a make-oveeer." Hope announces gleefully, and Elijah looks to Hayley, wide eyes practically pleading for her not leave him alone.

"I love you both." She singsongs. "I'll be in the living room if you need me."

"Uncle Elijah, come sit!" Hope gestures as Elijah had stood up when they entered the room. He sighs but really, he can't say no. Not when she looks just like the woman he loves... whom he already has trouble refusing.

Sighing, he walks slowly to the chair, moving more like a startled animal than a big bad, feared Mikaelson brother. Honestly, what harm could a six-year-old really do?

"What, exactly, do you have planned for me?" He asks, taking a seat but side-eyeing her. He sees the smirk — all Niklaus and no innocence — and knows he is in for a world of trouble.

"It's a secret." Because of course it is. "Now, close your eyes and no peeking!"

Somehow, that makes it better. Because at least then he can meditate or something, and pretend his face is going to be used a painting source for his six-year-old, too-mischievous-for-her-own-good niece.

"First, we are going to start with the most important part." He hears her opening something... a zipper and then a little click. The bristles of a worn, softened brush flit across his right cheek... then his forehead and his left cheek... his nose... and his chin. It goes on at least three times before she speaks again.

"OK, now for the next part!"

"Tell me..." If she is going to speak, it feels rude for him not to respond in some way. "What do you like to do for fun?"

Some rustling is heard... and another snap. Hope now has a bright pink blush, the brightest Hayley owns, having gotten it specifically for Hope on her birthday.

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