Keelin Goes Back to Austin

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Keelin leaves for Austin. Freya worries, Hope misses her aunt already, and things are just sad in the Mikaelson household.

We explore a small bit more of Hope's point of view. Let me know what you think, and if you would like it again.

Happy Valentine's Day (2022)! 💚🥰

Enjoy! :)


It is later in the afternoon, and they have had a long day, full of fun and playing with Hope. She is glad she could convince Freya to relax; that her family deserves to just... be.

Now, though, it is time to have the conversation. After the argument she had with her so-called friends this morning, she knows this Missing Persons report is not going to be clear up on its own.

And as much as she hates to see the time pass, getting closer to when she booked her bus ticket for, she knows this moment had to come at some point today.

She is not looking forward to this at all. Yes, she hates that they have worried about her.

But a part of her wonders just how she will explain all of this. Revealing herself is out of the question; she refuses to put them at risk.

The more they know, the better chance they have of getting caught up with the people who have hunted her for nearly half her life.

She can only dodge their questions for so long.

But what can she say?

Then there is the part of remembering what happened three days ago. It was a very long, extremely exhausting day and night for them.

First, what happened to Keelin – at the hands of Niklaus. That put a strain on his relationship with not only his big sister, but his daughter, as well.

Klaus allowed his anger to get the best of him; he allowed that part of him to rule his actions... and he severely injured Keelin because of it.

It has been a rough few days following that, especially given what happened that night. As the storm ranged on outside, a different disturbance was occurring inside.

They learned of Hope's nightmares... of the night terrors that she has yet to grow out of; and how she remembers the night Keelin left more clearly than anyone could ever have guessed.

The last three days have been quiet; the weather lingered the next day, but by Friday, it cleared up. Hope was back to playing outside, jumping in mud puddles and running through the forest.

Keelin decides to just get it over with; there are two specific people she needs to speak with before making plans to head to the bus stop. She makes her way downstairs in search of them.


Keelin finds them in the living room. The others are out and about, in the woods or the front yard around the campfire they made earlier.

She decides to talk to Hope first, as she knows she may be the hardest to convince.

Freya leaves the room as Keelin comes in to sit next to Hope on the couch. She has her art supplies out, and is working with Oil Pastel crayons today. Currently, the picture will be their house (this house) with a sunset behind it.

"Hey, sweets. I need to talk to you about something, okay?"

Hope puts down the orange crayon and turns to Keelin. She knew this moment was coming.

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