They are Here

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The person has arrived, finally. Who are they, how did they get here, and why did they come?

Trigger Warning: blood, stitches, injuries. Just a precursor to the next couple of chapters. Story is now rated T until otherwise.

So many of you guessed correctly on who this Mystery Person could be. I tried not to be too obvious, and I think I succeeded. This is the chapter that will reveal who it is.

Enjoy! :)


2 days later – Monday, April 8, 2019


They are all on edge. For two days, Hope has informed them "they're coming," but still with an undetermined time frame, nor with who "they" will be.

They are all on edge, and the knock on the door certainly does nothing to help.

"I'll get it!" Keelin hears Kol shout. She keeps one ear open to what is going on... and then it hits her.

A scent.

A human scent.

A human scent she familiarized herself with years ago, and never thought she'd come across again.

"Kol, do not open that door!"

She is in the hallway within seconds. Kol freezes, one hand on the doorknob. He looks back at her.

And can see it in her eyes.

"Don't open the door." She repeats, softer, heart pounding, and he removes his hand instantly.

Hope steps out to behind her then. She has a blanked expression, wide-eyed as she stares passed them to the door.

"They're here." Hope whispers.

"What's going on?"

Hayley comes from the living room. She freezes on seeing everyone.

"Hayley," Keelin turns to her. "Klaus!" She then calls for him as he was in the kitchen with her and Hope. "Hayley, go find Freya and tell her to meet us in the living room."

"Why? What's going on, Keelin?" Hayley looks passed her to where Hope is staring at the door still. And Kol, watching them all.

She then makes eye contact with her wolf counterpart... and imitates the deep breath Keelin just demonstrated.

Keelin barely has time to register the panic before Hayley speeds off to find Freya.

Klaus appears in the doorway. She speaks to him without actually looking at him.

"Take Hope upstairs and don't let her come down until I say so."

"What is going on?" He questions, and she whirls around to him.

"Take Hope upstairs. Keep her there until I say otherwise." Her words boarder a growl, and he instantly, probably to get Hope away from her, scoops up the still-frozen six-year-old and zooms upstairs.

Kol waits for further instructions. Keelin simply walks up to him and presses a hand to his back. He twists the doorknob, and they move in unison; him opening the door, and her swooping down to catch the individual as she collapses.

"I found you." The woman rasps out, and Keelin chuckles wetly.

"You sure did." Keelin presses a kiss to the top of her head, accessing the injuries she can see – cuts, bruises, blood... so much blood.

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