Interlude: Hope & Everyone else

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The Interlude will be back with Hope and the rest of the family. It will start directly after the girls left, and will continue over the next couple of days.

Shoutout to stop_simping for commenting/voting on the chapters. 💚

Enjoy. :)


2 days ago – April 8th, 2019


*Back at the Safe House*

Hope watches them leave, the car disappearing into the nighttime darkness.

She turns back to the doorway; Klaus stands there, but when he tries to smile at her, she just glares back.

"I'm still mad at you."

Kol sniggers in the background, somewhere deeper in the house, from where he is doing who knows what. Klaus rolls his eyes, not even bothering to justify it with a response.

"Love." Hope stops in their foyer. But she just stands there instead of turning around. "I'm sorry." He doesn't know what else to say — can't say anything more — not without outing Keelin, and even as much as he dislikes her, he will not do that.

"Aunt Keelin is family. You're supposed to protect family." This time, she does turn around. "Auntie Freya loves Aunt Keelin." Her voice holds no waver with those words; just strong, knowing confidence.

He swallows roughly. The way Freya has been, he'd be stupid to not see that there was obviously something more going on between Freya and their newest housemate.

The touches, the looks; that unwavering protectiveness which, before now, Freya had only lent out to her blood family.

Niklaus shifts on his feet, his gaze pinging around the foyer. A scratch in the paint on the wall, on the left side, about halfway down the foyer, catches his eye.

He can see it perfectly, the cause of it. Where Mary's family heirloom cabinet once stood, in its place, now, is a small end table.

His fault, of course.

At the time, he didn't even regret doing it.

But that day it wasn't Freya who had reacted and thrown him against the wall.

And perhaps, that right there should have been his first clue of how fucked his hate for Keelin really was.

You were her fairy-tale prince, and now, you're real.

But surely, his daughter's fairy-tale prince never hurt her family?

Surely, the stories she has concocted over the years, of how Niklaus Mikaelson, her daddy, saves the princess and defeats the bad guys... never included bloodying up her best friend.

His sister's girlfriend.

The woman whom his sister and Camille O'Connell obviously trusted enough to be around his baby girl.

A warm, but tiny, hand slips into his own, and he stares down into his own eyes, accented by Hayley's features, and made into the essence of innocence.

"I love you, Daddy." She says, softer, but still just as firm. "And I love Aunt Keelin. And I think youcould probably love her, too, if you stopped trying to find only bad things in her mind and actions."

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