2 - A Unexpected Journey

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As I was about to pull myself over the railing, someone suddenly grabbed my neck.
"Have you now changed your mind to give Killer his wallet back?" I looked up and came face to face with the pirate who was previously with the blue-haired one.

Great. From all the ships I could have landed on, it had to be this.

I looked angrily at my tormentor and tried to free myself from his grasp. I just shook my head. "You put me in a difficult situation. If I take you to the other prisoner, you will probably be tortured and if I put you in front of the captain he will probably tear you to pieces."

He chuckled "You pissed him off today." The images of his confused, angry face crossed my mind and made me grin. Before he could say anything else, I replied, still angry at his grip.

"So what?! Don't you want your captain to kill me?" he looked at me in frustration. "You're right, maybe I should put you in front of him, then ..." he let me fall on my legs and grabbed my wrist. His grip was still hard, but much more comfortable than before. As he pulled me behind him, he finished his sentence. "Then he can fulfil his threat from earlier."

At the thought of the words Kid had whispered to me earlier, I felt the warmth rise in my cheeks again. I would never let this pirate do this to me. Never again would I want to be touched by a man like that... and yet the words from Kid kept triggering this reaction in me.

I stopped and looked up at the giant, who was surprised by my apprehensive movement. "Please take me to the other prisoners and not to your captain." He just nodded and took me below deck. We stopped in front of a wooden door and knocked. The door didn't look like it would lead me to my cell, so I expected to face an angry redhead. When the door opened and Killer stood in front of me, I was initially confused. I remember his name from one of the other wanted posters "Killer the Massacre Soldier".

"Wire, why aren't you upstairs keeping watch?" At that moment the giant pushed me in front of him. When Killer saw me, his muscles tensed briefly, but he relaxed again quickly. I couldn't read the look on his face, but I could bet Killer was surprised to see me. "Woman, you really do have a death wish." He pulled me into his cabin and nodded to Wire.

Judging by the bed and various shelves, the room seemed to be his cabin. Killer closed the door behind him and pushed me onto the bed. "Sit down."

I did as ordered, not able to do something else since he had already thrown me on the bed. Killer took two glasses and a bottle of water, placed them on the table by the bed, and threw himself casually next to me. He leaned back, relaxed, crossed his muscular arms and looked at me expectantly. I could only return his gaze. Why was I here? Did he personally seek revenge and wanted to torture me? Why doesn't he throw me into the dirty cells with the other prisoners?

"Why am I here?" I asked him frankly. He tilted his head a little and let out a small chuckle. "I ask myself the same thing! Why did I save a little thief like you, when you keep chasing your death!"

"I didn't mean why I'm on the ship. I want to know why you didn't throw me in the cells with the other prisoners. You are a pirate shouldn't you torture me?!" I replied upset. "And besides, you never saved me, I escaped on my own after stealing from you and screwing the great Eustass "Captain" Kid!"He looked at me in amazement "I'm starting to understand why Kid is mad as hell." He sat up and leaned in my direction. In a lowered, slightly annoyed voice he said, "Listen up shorty if I would tell my captain that you are here, you were probably dead or chained to his bed. So you'd better be grateful that I saved your sweet ass again."

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