14 - Fire and Water

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"I'm sorry Y/N I just can't believe that guy thinks he can own you! Who does he even think he is." Law said. I looked at Kid. He was now only a few meters away from us, our eyes meet and his topaz eyes pierced me awaiting an answer and I knew exactly what he wanted to hear.

"My captain." 

Kid smirked satisfied. "You hear that Trafalgar? She is mine." I gave Kid an angry look but he kept smirking. "Leave it Kid, you two should stop fighting like toddlers and listen to me." I looked at Law. "There is a lot to catch up on indeed." Law's impression was hard to read, I couldn't tell if he was confused angry or sad but the thing I knew for sure was that he was unamused. "I will talk to you about anything Y/N-ya." He said trying to act positive. "Kid on the other hand.." I signed. "Yea I get it you two don't like each other. Acting like fire and water." I rolled my eyes and looked at Siren. She seemed rather entertained than angry at me. "I'm sorry for all of this mess I didn't know Kid would be here too." Sirens eyes widened in excitement "So you wanted to talk to Law? But you said you wanted your Captain! This is some drama to my liking!" I gave Siren a sore look. If Kid wasn't already angry because I ran away, he definitely was now. I have to calmly explain to him that this is all a misunderstanding, but Kid and being calm was a different story. He glimpsed at Kid and he looked as irritated as expected. I tried to calm the situation and suggested "It's late. Why don't we all go to sleep and then meet at a bar tomorrow morning?" Law nod. "I'm all up for talking just not sure if Eustass-ya knows what that means." Kid's gaze switched to Law "I will fucking kill you Trafalagar I dear you keep talking shit." Law smirked again. It seemed he enjoyed provoking Kid a lot. I understood why but he surely overdid it. 

I gave Law a sorrowful look and he signed. "Fine I will stop mocking him, but you stay on my boat tonight." 

Kid stepped closer to me now. He gave me another look and I know what he wanted to hear. I didn't want to put Law down but I couldn't risk another fight. "I'm sorry Law but I can't." I gave him a sad smile. "But I promise we will see each other tomorrow."

I knew he didn't like me staying with Kid and that his pride got hurt by my decline but I knew he would understand. He signed and gave me a criticizing look. "Fine, I will trust you to come back to me. I will wait for you in the pub at the peer at noon." He looked at Kid pejoratively and turned towards the exit. He ducked down to me when he walked passed me and whispered "Sleep well, little princess." I blushed, he used to say that all the time when we were younger. He started calling me his princess after we got closer. Every time Doflamingo or his folks insulted me he tried to cheer me up this way."Good night Law, Sleep well." It was hard to let him go. I know I made this decision or at least I announced it but it wasn't easy to let him go after all this time. Law was about to leave when I went to hug him. "Please don't abandon me again." Is what I mumbled in his chest quietly. He returned the hug and I was relieved to know he was back.

"Y/N." I heard Kids demanding voice behind me. I let go of Law and walked up to Kid. I stood right next to him and watched Law leave the room.

"HEY TRAFALGAR!" Kid shouted after him with a grin. I looked up at Kid wondering what he was up to and he grabbed my chin harshly pressing his lips on mine. I was shocked. We didn't speak a lot since this morning and I didn't know if I was ready for this sudden closeness. I gave myself into the kiss for a second. I loved feeling his lips on mine but it felt wrong to be this close to him, it was too much. As much as I longed for the warmth he had, for whatever feeling it was that made me starve for his touch. I wasn't ready. Just because I felt comfortable around Kid again didn't mean I was ready to be used as his little doll. He just used me to provoke Law and I was done being used to fight out their battle about toxic masculinity. I tried to free myself from Kid's grip while looking for Law but he was gone already. "Do you have any idea what you just did?" I looked at Kid angrily not just angry I felt disappointed. disappointed that he choose to provoke him even after I called him Captain, even after I choose to stay with him. "Pretty sure I marked my fucking territory." He grinned. "That jackass of a surgeon was all after your panties. How do you know him anyways?" Kid asked in a way too satisfied tone. 

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