15 - Catching up

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"You have been nice to me. I was ready to get abused when you carried me in here." Kid tilted his head slightly, I couldn't see his face since we were still laying down. He was staring at the ceiling for a good moment before he replied. "Would you prefer that?" I rolled my eyes "That's not what I said, but-", he interrupted me in a calm tone. "Don't question the way I treat you then. You remember how that ended the last time."

"Is that a treat?"

"It's stating the truth. The only thing you need to know is that I'm treating you this way because it feels right."

I stared at him for a little longer before I went to sleep with a smile forming on my face.

I woke up to an empty cabin, which wasn't unusual, but this morning, I felt a sense of worry. The deck was bustling with activity, and I could hear the commotion from my room. I worried that Kid had decided to leave the island without meeting Law and that it would be best for us to avoid Law. I quickly got dressed and rushed to the window, relieved to see the island still within sight. I headed to the deck and found Hobbes and a few other pirates organizing crates. "Good morning," Hobbes greeted me with a smile. "We'll be leaving the island this afternoon. Kid is waiting for you with Killer at the front of the boat." The sun was shining, and the sky was clear, but I could sense the weather would turn soon, as all the birds were flying low.

As I made my way to the front of the boat, I couldn't help but wonder if we would make it to the bar on time to meet Law. Kid had always been unpredictable, and his insistence on leaving the island as soon as possible made me nervous. But I tried to push those thoughts aside and focus on the task at hand. When I finally reached Kid and Killer, they stopped their argument and turned to me. The tension between the two was palpable, and it made me wonder what they had been arguing about before I arrived. "You're late," Killer said, a hint of annoyance in his voice. "Kid suggested leaving twice already."

I apologized and asked if we were still on track to meet Law at the bar. Kid nodded, but his expression was hard to read. "We'll make it in time," he said, "but we need to hurry." With that, he turned and began walking off. I exchanged a look with Killer and followed Kid, my heart pounding with anticipation and anxiety. The clock was ticking, and we had to make it to that bar before it was too late.


As we entered the crowded bar I could feel the atmosphere in the bar tense. There was no question that Kid's presence intimidated most of the other pirates. We were making our way through the bar and Kid started complaining about how he didn't want to talk to Law, and how he can't stand the guy. "I don't trust him," he grumbled. "He's always trying to get under my skin." I placed a hand on his arm, trying to calm him down. "Kid, please. Let's just try to keep things civil, okay? Law is my friend and I want to catch up with him." Kid let out a frustrated sigh, but he nodded in agreement. The bright sunlight streaming in through the windows made me feel more positive about this meeting. I immediately spotted Law sitting at a table in the corner. It had been 13 years since we had an actual conversation, and I was excited to catch up. Despite the tension between Kid and Law, I couldn't help but feel a slight twinge of nostalgia as I approached him.

"Y/N-ya! I'm glad you made it!" Law exclaimed, standing up to greet me with a warm hug.

"I told you I would make it!" I replied, returning the embrace with a smile.

"Hello, Trafalgar." Kid grunted in clear disproval to our hug.

"Well, well, well. Look who decided to show up," Law said, his eyes flicking over to Kid. "I was beginning to think you didn't want to see me." I rolled my eyes at his comment, but as soon as he opened his mouth, I knew trouble was brewing. Kid seemed fairly unamused about Laws arrogant behaviour and sat down on a chair. "What do you want, Law?" he growled.

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