21 - Decisions

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"I said that I don't want to lose you to Law. I want you to be with me, I failed to protect you this time and I won't let it happen again." he said, his voice tensed and serious. I could feel my heart skip a beat, and I looked at him, stunned. I hadn't expected him to be so honest with me, to lay his feelings bare like that. He really meant it. He would be there for me and hold me. He would be a constant, like an anchor for a boat in a raging storm.

"I..." I started, but I couldn't find the words to express what I was feeling.

"Don't answer yet. Recover for now. Everyone is waiting to see you feel better and Law and I decided it's best if you decide where you want to go. We can't force you." He stopped me in a soft tone. "I can't force you." The last words were barely loud enough to hear yet I heard them and his voice seemed so weak saying them that it hurt.

After that Kid left me in the infirmary. He was relieved to see me alright and wanted to tell Heat and Killer.

I was left in the room alone. My decision. I had to decide and I knew this time my decision would be accepted by both Kid and Law. I closed my eyes and thought of the things that happened. The way Kid found me, how he threatened me and how he treated me. My heart started racing thinking of him. How he eyed my body on our first night and how he kept saying I'm his on our last. The promise he made and the promise he made true. He came back for me and here I am back on his ship.
Law, on the other hand, stole me from him. He said he needed my help. He needed me. I knew very well that he felt guilt not only for last night but for leaving me all those years ago. Our kiss was burned in my memory and as much as I tried to love him, I couldn't love him any more than a brother. He held me and helped me find my strength while I was lost in memories from Doflamingo but he also asked me to go back to him. Face him and destroy him for good. Yet I knew I couldn't do that.

The gaze in Law's eyes when the wooden poll hit me into the wild waters. The eyes of Kid and Law when I sunk down in the depths. Their eyes were filled with horror, anger and guilt. I smiled to myself, maybe just maybe my close death experience was destiny. A necessity for them to open their eyes and stop fighting.

I opened my eyes as I heard the door creek. Killer stood at the door. "Can I come in?" I nod and he walked up to me closing the door behind him. Killer sat down on my bed and stretched himself. He got comfortable and stared into the dark corner of the room. "Are you ready?" he said in a dark tone. I gulped, not really ready to face them, yet I knew what I deeply wanted to decide.
"I think I already made my decision a long time ago." I suddenly said without giving a thought to what I said. Killer turned to me, his helm hiding his expression as usual. "Do you love Kid?"

Do I what?

I could imagine the shocked look on my face. I wasn't sure what to say or how exactly I felt. What a weird question to ask. "That's for me to find out," I said with a weak smile. Killer nod. "Do you think you will stay with us?"

"Impatient are we? Can you not wait for that answer like all the others?" I said raising an eyebrow with a grin.

Killer sat there for a second, not a single muscle moving when he suddenly took off his helm.

"No, I can't."


I was stunned unable to speak. I wasn't able to give off any reaction. The angle I saw when I sunk into the deep darks. When I was threatened to be devoured by the water, I imagined an angel The illuminated presence that came to save me. Was it really Killer? Was Killer the angle I saw? The one that saved me from the darks, the one that gave me another chance to live.

Without me realizing Killer had leaned in. He held my chin and gave me a kiss on the lips. As strong as the kiss was it didn't feel forced. I would rather describe it as something he needed. Something he longed for long. As shocked as I was it felt good and I gave in. We kissed. When he let go we stared into each other's eyes for a good second. His eyes shone even bluer than they seemed through his mask. "You saved me?" I said in a whisper.

RED ANCHOR | Eustass Kid x femReader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now