11 - Let's Stay Like This

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"He is not planning to kill her, but he does have many things to say. He has questions." Killer looked from Heat to me and I nod. I was expecting the worst but I tried to trust Killer.

"It's not like I have a choice do I?" I said with a light smile.

"I wouldn't test it." Killer responded unamused.

With every bite, I felt tenser. As much as I tried to take it easy, it really wasn't. I took hours to finish my plate and I could tell that killer was a little bit impatient by the time I finished. I slowly got up and was about to take my plate to the kitchen to clean it up when Killer stopped me. "Let Wire clean your plate, we gotta go." I looked at Wire who was giving me an annoyed expression. Heat on the other hand squeezed my hand a little while giving me a slide smile. I didn't have the heart to tell him that his smile was too sad to encourage me but I was thankful for the gesture.

We walked through the dark hallways of the ship. Recording to my memory we walked in the direction of the room where I found Kid and that poor soul last night. The closer we got the more pictures came back to my mind. It wasn't the blood that scared me, it was Kid's gaze.

We stood in front of the room, the door was closed and I suddenly felt shivers on my skin. It felt like there was smth cold behind that wall and I wasn't eager to see it.

"You look pale." Killer stated after turning to me. I looked up at him, not really knowing how to respond. He took my hand, "I remember quite the tough girl joining us two days ago, not so tough now are we?" He said while kneeling down. His voice was calm and his grip was soft. "I can't accompany you in there. But I need you to try to listen to him. He will struggle to find the right words and he will get impatient with himself but you need to stay calm so that he can do the same." I could see his blue eyes through the mask. Even in this dark hallway and under his mask they looked so beautiful. I bet he has a kind face. "I will try." I said not as confident as I intended. He looked me up and down and suddenly hugged me tight. It was a nice firm hug like he was afraid I would disappear if he let go. "I'm sorry you have to go through all of this shit all over again."

With that, he stood up and put his hand on the doorknob. "Are you ready for this?" No, I'm not. That is what I would have liked to say but I nod. "Will you be here? What if Kid gets angry again?"  I said quietly. "Angry won't be a problem." He took a deep breath. "I will be right here, go inside."
With that, he opened the door and I looked inside a dark room the only light source was a small window on the other side of the room. It was hard to believe this was the same room as yesterday since there was no blood, not one hint of what happened here last night.

"You need to go through that door," Killer said from behind me and pointed at a wooden door on my left. I looked at the big door and heard the hard sound of metal being hammered. Killer closed the other door behind me. I was all alone now. I am certain a few minutes passed since he closed the door. I was just standing in the room figuring out how and when I would open that door. I took a step to the window and looked outside. The weather was cool but the sun was shining. I took a deep breath and the cold fresh air filled my lungs. It was a good feeling.

I walked up to the door and put my hand on the knob. I opened slowly it and walked inside. The room was filled with dim light coming from an oven. Kid was working at a smithing station. Hammering the metal on an anvil in even strong strokes. I felt my heart skip a beat every time the hammer hit the metal with a loud clanking sound. I could see a clean film of sweat on his upper body. He must have been doing this for hours. With every hit, his muscles tensed and the metal gave in under his pressure. Yet again his menacing figure looked majestic. I watched him for a bit until he stopped. He held up a dark red glowing blade, formed like a scythe. After inspecting it from each side he holds it into a caldron filled with water. The water started boiling as soon as the metal touched it. Kid let go after a few seconds causing the scythe to fall to the bottom of the cauldron. He grabbed a
towel and pushed his glasses onto his forehead. I was just staring at him while he tried to wash off the sweat on his face. He places the towel around his neck and turned around. I thought he already knew I was there but he looked surprised to see me standing at the door. His expression was hard to read. But his eyes had their colours back and shone in their old glow.

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