4 - A Nightmare

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Wire had stood up too, and was now standing in the doorway with an impatient look. I got up quickly and hurried in his direction, when I arrived Killer, was standing next to Wire. I looked up at him but he didn't notice.

"You can go sleep now, I'll take her to the captain."

When he left, Killer and I were alone in the hallway. Without saying another word, he went off. He was moving fast, so I had trouble keeping up with him. Killer looked colder than before, so I tried to improve the mood.

"For a massacre soldier, you're a really good cook," I said with a grin. Killer said nothing, his gaze was still fixed straight ahead.


"What did you discuss with Kid?"

"I told him not to kill you."

"Was that what he was going to do?" I looked at him questioningly. He turned to me, worried. "Listen up Shorty, men like him also kill unconsciously, you don't know how many women we had to get out of his cabin after a night with him, dead or seriously injured." He took a deep breath, "If Kid is threatening to fuck someone to death, then that's that is not an empty threat. "

"I don't understand why you want to protect me," I whispered barely audibly. He turned to me abruptly, grabbed my shoulders and bent down to meet my gaze. His blue eyes glow under the mask. "I just can't watch you run after your death." he paused briefly, "so don't provoke him and promise that you will come out safe tomorrow." His serious tone got through to me. Kid was dangerous and I've been playing with fire since I got here. I swallowed hard and held Killer by the arm as he was about to go on.

"What was Kid's response to your request." he slowly turned to me and looked down. At first, he didn't say anything, then he said quietly again, "Just don't provoke him."

When we got to Kid's room, Killer knocked on the door and pushed me in. Kid was sitting at his desk with his muscular back turned to me.

"You can go, killer.", hissed the redhead in a harsh voice.
Before Killer closed the door behind him, he looked down at me one more time.
"See you tomorrow.", I said quickly and gave him a confident smile. He just turned and closed the door.

We were alone again now. The silence made me very nervous and the air seemed thick.

"You are late."

His words cut through the air and woke me from my stupor. Only now did I realize that I had been holding my breath. Kid had still turned his back on me and was waiting for a reaction from my side. 'Well I was in no hurry to come back', is what I would have said but I remembered Killer's words and kept quiet. He turned slowly now and looked at me. His eyes were tired, almost empty.

"Go to sleep, today I don't feel like playing with you anymore."

His words confused me, but I didn't want to ask and went to bed. Kids' presence worried me, but I was torn to sleep because of the stressful events of the day.


"Well little mouse, we will give you a nice home." said the tall one with a wide smile. I couldn't see his eyes through his sunglasses, but I thought this man must have friendly eyes if he adopts me. He came to our little orphanage especially because of me and, although he got to know my great siblings, chose me. The tall man leaned down and gave me his hand. "My name is Doflamingo, but you can call me Papa, little one." He told me about his family that would soon be mine.

My own family.
I always imagined it to be beautiful since I lost my parents when I was three, I had no real family for the last six years. A real family. Where everyone takes care of each other and gives you security, like an anchor on the sea.
"Papa," I mumbled as I took his hand, it was cold but that didn't bother me because it held me so tight that I didn't think it would ever break away from me. So tight it almost hurt.
He took me on his ship and I turned around to look at my island for one last time before it disappeared on the horizon. When I looked up at my new companion, his gaze had changed. No, not just his gaze, his whole appearance was different. The friendly smile had turned into something more terrifying. "Listen up Little one" he grabbed my chin roughly, "I will teach you strength, real strength." His gaze suddenly went crazy, his tongue licked his lips and my vision blurred. I heard screaming and the picture of my parents bleeding to death flickered back on my mind.

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