13 - Reunion

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The island seemed to be a hideout and hotspot for many pirates and weirdos in general. I just saw a bear pass by followed by some people in orange suits with funny heads when I saw him.


I did only get a glimpse of him for a second but there was no doubt it was him. Law, the one that was like a brother to me. I could recognise him no matter what was up or how much time passed, he had the same eyes he had when he left years ago. Even after 13 years. Ten years in which he left me all alone with Doflamingo. He said he would always be there for me and yet he left. I need to talk to him.


"Look little one these are your new siblings Baby5 and Law." The girl with dark blueish hair ran up to me excitedly and gave me a big hug "Hiii I'm so happy to have a sister all the boys are so mean all the time!" I looked at her with empty eyes. "Law greed your new sister." I heard Father behind me hissing it with a serious threatful tone. The boy in front of me had black hair his skin was nearly white and he had dark circles under his eyes. He was probably older than me too. He rolled his eyes at Father and walked up to me giving me his hand. "Welcome to hell."
Time passed a little. Law and I didn't talk a lot and he complained calling me a Crybaby since I always went to him if something was wrong. We ended up spending more time together and even though he tried to stay cold we grew closer.
One day when I was 7 and he was 12 we were expected to rub money from some homeless people. Baby5 finished her task in no time and started laughing at us. Law just rolled his eyes at her and stole the money with no hesitation. I looked at the man in front of me. He was sleeping and his moneybag was right in front of him. I could see him shake under his small blanket wearing no shoes or proper clothing. Baby5 laughing in the background made me nervous and I was about to do it when she threw a little stone at the man laying in front of me. His eyes opened slowly and he looked up at me in confusion. He took a second to realise and got angry. "You little Brat-", he was about to grab me when Law stepped in hit his hand away and kicked his tummy. He grabbed me by the hand and made sure we escaped. After that, we started spending more time together. Him stepping up for me in that situation meant a lot to me and I started looking up to him. Law even told me about how he used to have a sister and that I reminded him of her. He told me how he hated Doflamingo and wanted to leave this place. "Why don't we leave together? We can be our own family and you will be my big brother!" He looked a little irritated at first but he seemed to adapt to that idea.


I was fully zoned out since I saw him and only got back to reality when Heat poked my arm. "Are you even listening?"

"I'm sorry, I- I really need to go to the toilet!" with that I ran off. I didn't even know if the bar had a toilet so I just ran to the first door I saw. Luckily it got me to a backyard with a small path to the road. I ran on the street as fast as I could and tried to sense him with my observation haki. There was no way to find him, if I remembered the wanted posters correctly Law was one of the supernovas too. The new generation. As strong as Kid. Of course, I couldn't sense his presence. I jumped on top of a roof remembering the bear next to Law. They seemed to know each other so I tried to sense him instead. I smiled. That was easy.
I groaned they already walked to the other side of the island in so little time. I looked down to the street. Heat was standing in front of the bar looking around the place. He looked very sad. I'm sorry Heat, I need to do this.

I jumped over the roofs thinking this would be the fastest and safest way to get to Law without Kid finding me. The night was beautiful. Free of any clouds and full of stars. I followed the track and ended up in front of the brothel. God damn it Law. You too? The bear was standing in front of the building waiting for his friends to finish their business. I scanned the forecourt and approached the bear after making sure non of the Kid pirates were outside.

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