22 - Epilogue (NSFW-Warning)

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"Feelings in need to explore my ass." Law hissed and was about to make his way to them to pull Y/N away from Kid when Killer placed a hand on his shoulder.

His grasp was firm and his eyes were still fixed on them. "We never stood a chance. They don't know it yet but they fell for eachother the first time they met." Killer let go of Law's shoulder who was now staring at him.

"We all fell." His gaze went back to Kid. "But he fell the hardest."


Kid and I made our way back into the Cafeteria. I was following close behind him and it felt good to know he was glad I was here with him. When we got into the cafeteria he took my hand and said, "Where is Trafalgar?" My gaze was flying over the other pirates, not only Law was missing the bear was gone too and the room was empty only Heat, Wire and Killer were sitting at a table having a drink. In response to Kid's questions Wire looked up, "He left like 5 minutes ago."

My heart dropped. Did he leave with no goodbyes? I gulped and could feel a knot building in my throat. Kid squeezed my hand and gave me a small smile "Let him be, it's normal to feel sore. He lost a lot today." I looked up at him and his eyes were confident. Confident he won as much as Law lost.

"So you're a free woman where will you sleep?" Wire said with a smirk. We looked at him and Kid seemed fairly irritated. "With me of course!" he barked in a tense voice.

"Will I?" I decided on teasing the big guy a little bit and stepped away from him, putting my arm behind my back while leaning forward. "Since it's my day of decisions I might... You know?" Kids eyes flicked to me and his nonexistent eyebrows tightened. "I have an empty bed in my room!" Heat said half teasing half excited while sending a happy smile to me. Kids gaze now flicked to Heat. "You what?" He was tensing up with every second and I loved it. "Another sleepover? I would love that!" I squeaked in excitement while keeping an eye on Kid.

Suddenly I felt two big hands on my shoulders. I jerked around and saw Killer ducking down on my height, whispering in a dark voice. "Or would you rather sleep with me?"
I felt the blood rush into my cheeks and stumbled backwards into Kid. His gaze was angry but his voice was calm, threatening in a way. "Decide then, but make sure you make the right decision."

I looked around, suddenly feeling like a mouse in a cage with cats. I couldn't look into Killer's eyes, ever since he kissed me I felt conflicted and guilty. Did he kiss me to help me clear my mind or what were his intentions? Kid should know and I didn't understand why Killer did this knowing what was going on between me and Kid.

With that Killer stepped closer and I was stuck between two giants. "Killer." I heard Kid growl. "Don't you think I fought enough today? Give me a break." I gulped. "Very well, Captain. Good night everyone." Killer replied bitterly. With that, he gave me a light squeeze on the shoulder and walked off. "Sleep tight, Shorty." When he left everyone went quiet. Nothing to hear apart from Killer's footsteps down the hallway and the sound of the waves quite falling into the hull. The atmosphere was tense and I could feel Kid boiling inside.

Wire cleared his throat, "I think we will go to bed. Good night." He grabbed Heat by the collar and left quickly, leaving Kid and me alone in the room. I was still standing pretty close to him and gave him a small hug to cool him down. I took a step back when I felt his muscles relax and looked him in the eyes with a light grin. "You know I would have chosen you right?"

"Do I?" He said grumpily while raising his eyebrow.

"Touché", I said and smiled. "Come on, we go to my room or do I need to drag you there again?" He seemed a little more relaxed when he started to walk towards the door. I didn't follow him and stood in the middle of the room alone when he turned to me confused. I gave him a big grin, "Three times is the charm right?".

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