3 - Unintended Intimacy

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Wire was about to say something when the door to the canteen popped open and a face I knew all too well emerged. Eustass "Captain" Kid stood in the doorway, his fiery gaze searching the hall. "Where is she?!"


When our eyes met, I could literally trace the lightning that emanated from him. He slowly approached our table. His look was furious. The atmosphere in the canteen had suddenly changed, the only thing I could hear was his heavy steps in my direction. When he reached his destination he stopped, his eyes never leaving mine. A devilish grin slowly formed on his face. "Look at who fate had guided on my ship. Are you here to beg for mercy, woman? To apologize? Or maybe to face your punishment?" I didn't answer and met him with a rebellious look.

His grin widened. "Stand up."I didn't move a muscle. He eyed me mischievously and suddenly something tore me in his direction. I felt my necklace cut into my skin before I could concentrate on the pain, I felt the pressure of his strong hand around my throat. Eustass Kid, the man who possessed magnetic powers, the man who had just pulled me through the air by my necklace. He dropped me faster than expected, which is why I only barely managed to land on my feet. I stood right in front of him and met his gaze challengingly. There was a shadow over his eyes, through which his brightly shining topaz eyes stood out even more. I couldn't help it, he was intimidating, scary, and able to crush me, but I had to smile. There was something about this man that triggered an emotion in me that exceeded my fear. My smile irritated him. I don't know what came over me, but all of a sudden I didn't care anymore that Killer wasn't there, I had no inhibitions. I suddenly had the feeling that I was far superior to Kid. 

"What's going on, Eustass, doesn't it make you terribly excited when I defend myself like that, isn't that what you want the most?" I took a step closer to him smiled and ran my fingers over his hard chest. "Admit it, you have a weakness for it. You are weak Eustass." In my next few words, my voice lost strength and I began to tremble slightly. "There is basically nothing you can do to break me." It was true, Doflamingo had broken me and the redhead could never do the same. 

He grabbed the hand that had caressed his upper body by the wrist and pulled me away from him. His grip on my hand hadn't loosened, on the contrary, his grip tightened and I felt my wrist slowly break under the pressure of his hand. The pain was devastating but I didn't make a sound. I didn't even flinch. I didn't want him to see me suffer, I didn't want to give him this satisfaction.  His grip tightened a little and tears formed in my eyes. I turned my head to avoid his gaze. His metal hand grabbed my chin and forced me to look at his face. His mischievous grin had turned into a crazy grimace. His gaze pierced me and his grin was frozen. When the first tear ran down my cheek, the corner of his mouth twitched and something in his eyes lit up. Lust.

"I have to give you one thing, woman. You are right, you actually turn me on like no other woman did before." With these words, he forcibly pulled me out of the room. Before we left the canteen, I glanced in the direction of Wire and Heat. While Wire didn't dare to look in our direction, heat looked at me, shaking his head and giving me a sorrowful look. Kid pulled me across the deck. The pirates he pulled me past laughed, but fell silent when the kid turned to them with a death glare. He opened a large impressive door that led to his cabin and pushed me into the room. I landed on the hard floor and looked around carefully. The light in the room was dimmed, I wanted to sit up, but my arm gave in. When I looked more closely at my wrist, I  saw why. It was swollen and bloody.

I looked up at Kid, he had thrown his coat over a chair at his desk and was now towering over me, undressing slowly till he had nothing left except his pants. I looked around and saw many weapons and chains scattered around the room. "Don't even think about it." His grin had faded. "Your next steps will determine whether you will survive this night or not. Understand?" I nodded.

RED ANCHOR | Eustass Kid x femReader FanfictionWhere stories live. Discover now