19 - The Storm

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 "I guess you get to see him a little too soon for my liking," he said. I could sense the tension in his voice as he prepared for what was to come. I knew that Kid and Law had a history, but I never imagined it would come to this. A battle between two of the most dangerous pirates of the new generation. And here I was, caught in the middle of it all.

I took a deep breath and tried to steady my nerves. I didn't know what was going to happen next, but I knew that I had to be ready for anything.

The boat hit the surface with a power that made everyone stumble. Even Law had to hold onto a pool. I felt very nervous looking towards Kids and Laws fighting. I couldn't let them fight. Law looked at me determined, "Im not letting him take you." I felt flustered in a way but couldn't deny the guilt I felt since I really wanted to be with Kid and feel his touch. The look in his eyes when we saw eachother just a moment ago... He was confident. Confident and determined to take back what's his. I looked at Law, there was no question he knew what was on my mind. He took my hand and looked me in the eyes. "Can you please stay inside? I know you want to be with him, but he is no good. I dont want you to get hurt." I felt his words were said in worry but I didn't escape Doflamingo, nor did I argue with Kid all that time only to allow Law to tell me what to do. I shook my head. "Im sorry Law. You can go do whatever you want but I won't let you imprison me. In fact I won't let anyone do that." I said in a calm voice with a slight smile, his expression was down a little irritated in a way. I was about to apologize, clarifying that I know he is doing this because he wants to protect me when I got interrupted.

"TRAFALGAR! Get the fuck out, you have someone that belongs on my ship!" Kids aggressive voice echoed through to us and send shivers down my spine. His voice was filled with anger. Law signed. "Always a pleasure to hear him." He gave me an annoyed stare. "You really had to choose that pain in the ass?" I rolled my eyes as Law turned away to leave the room. His crew followed him, their eyes reflected their souls. Ready for battle.

I was left in the room alone and I knew it wasn't for good. There was no way these two would talk it out in peace if I didn't stop them, yet I didn't know what to say. Paralyzed by my uncertainty I just stood there unable to go outside and stop them. How would I even do it? Two supernovas clashing with each other. My mind was blank and it scared me. How could I keep them both? Law was right about Kid being a dangerous man, but so was he. Suddenly I heard a loud crash and the entire submarine started shaking. I glimpsed outside the bull's eye. The weather wasn't as nice and claiming anymore, the few clouds that covered the sky just a few minutes ago were now covering the entire sky and raindrops started falling. The sea was restless and I could feel the ship fighting against the forces of the waves.

As I stepped outside into the rain, the decks of the two ships turned into a battlefield. The two crews were clashing and I saw two figures battling mid-air. My heart ached as I watched them clash. Both Kid and Law had been good to me, but they were enemies now, and it seemed like they wouldn't stop until one of them was defeated. I knew I had to do something, but I felt powerless to stop them. I watched as Law dodged one of Kid's attacks and countered with a swing of his sword. Kid deflected the blow with a magnetic shield, sending Law stumbling backwards. As the fight continued, the storm grew more intense, with waves crashing against the boats and wind howling through the sails. It was like the sea itself was angry at them for fighting. Suddenly, Kid charged up a devastating attack above his head. I could see the electricity crackling around his metal arm as he aimed to strike Law. And just as he was about to release his attack, a bolt of lightning struck his arm, causing it to glow with an electric charge.

Kid took advantage of the surge of power and unleashed a powerful attack, striking Law with a massive bolt of lightning that lit up the dark sky. The force of the impact sent Law flying backwards, crashing into the mast of his ship. I could see Law struggling to get back up, clearly wounded from the attack. As Kid smirked in satisfaction, I realized the true danger of their fight. I needed to stop them before someone got seriously hurt. As I watched in horror, Law rose slowly to his feet, his eyes blazing with anger. He held out his hand and created his "Room" with a swift motion. The blueish aura enveloped around the ships, and I could sense the power building up. Kid seemed to realize the danger and backed away, his metal arm crackling with electricity.

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