My friend | part 3

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An: I've been writing on this part for so long.
Hope y'all are enjoying this whole thing so far:))))

-Max looked down at El, she now had her head on Max's chest.

She's s-so beautiful. Her hair looks so soft. Max was feeling this strange new feeling. She put her hand on Elevens head and played with her soft brunette hair. Max was still very tired so she reached over to Els night light and turned it off which made the room almost completely dark. She could hear the TV from the other room, it was hopper watching his late night shows. She then heard it turning off and hopper walking to his room.

She was really focused on what she was hearing. She could hear Elevens breath and feel it on her chest too. What is this feeling, I feel weird but it's so nice at the same time. She slowly fell asleep with El on her chest.

<hours later

El woke up and realized she was cuddled up against Max. Ahh I'm so close to her. She's so warm. but what if max doesn't like it just didn't wanna wake me up? I gotta move away from her, I don't wanna make her uncomfortable.
Eleven moved away from Max and tried to go back to sleep.

<the next morning
Max woke up and she immediately noticed eleven wasn't sleeping close to her, she was just beside her not even facing her. She sat up in The bed. Maybe i was just dreaming, she was never sleping on my chest that close to me, we're just Friends. Obviously she was just beside me not cuddling me. I was just dreaming, I would never do that SHES JUST MY FRIEND.

yea just a friend who I love.. no like to hang out with and maybe one day we could- No just a friend of mine. Maybe she's not my friend? I get this weird feeling like I'm sick around her but it's good in a way, but I'm just eh.. maybe I shouldn't be friends with her anymore because-.

"M-max?" Eleven turned over to max. Her head touching max's arm.

"Good morning El" Max was a little more awake than El.

"Are you tired?" El looked up at Max with a confused look.

"Oh yea sorry- ehh stupid question haha" Eleven smiled at her friend and sat up in her bed, so did max.

"Are you hungry" Eleven got up from the bed followed by Max.

"Yeah I guess I need breakfast" Max looked over at El who was already looking at her. They were silently looking at each other for a few seconds for no reason.

What's happening? I think i kinda like it? No max why is she looking at me like that? Max feels slightly uncomfortable. She shook her head and giggled. El smiled and laughed which made Max laugh too.

"What was that El?!" Max laughed.

"I don't know I just got lost in my thoughts or something"  el replied

"Ahh what were you thinking of?!" Max said jokingly and laughed again. El looked down. Max went over to her bag, she was gonna change to her other clothes. Eleven was gonna do that too.

They were both done changing and had left the room. Hopper had left for work already so El and Max sleep a little longer than usual but it was still pretty early for Max. Because Eleven is always awake before Hop leaves.

"Oh looks like Hop left, so we're all alone"

El was looking at Max again.

"And uhmm I was wondering if you know.. If could sleep over at your place today?" El looked down at the floor thinking to herself. Max looked at El, who was staring at the floor. She could see she was slightly blushing.

Oh is she embarrassed about asking that? I mean I want to have a sleepov- wait no! I don't want to! I feel sick around her and I probably shouldn't be with her.

"Uhm s-so today I- I can't have u over, I'm sorry" El looked back up at Max.

"Oh okay, uhh why?" Eleven was looking into Max's eyes. She smiled to herself and was definitely blushing again. Why do I keep thinking this. She stopped smiling and looked down again.

"Uhm I can't because my dad doesn't want me to have friends.. ehh over and I don't really know why but" Max looked at El's hands, she was fidgeting with them. Max put her hand on El's shoulder.

"I'm sorry maybe another time" I'm lying to her, wow I'm a terrible friend. I just need time to think, and find out what this feeling is? I gotta tell her that I have to leave, I don't think I want to be here much longer, what will happen if she's finds out I lied?

"But I think I have to go..ehh home like now actually".  Eleven looked back up at her.

"It's so early still, you can stay here if you'd like?"

"No like.. I have to" Max took her hand of her shoulder.

"Oh ok well" El looked behind her into her room at Max's bag. She moved it over to herself and picked it up and handed it to Max.

"don't forget this" Max smiled to her.

"Thank you" She saw the blood dripping from her nose but El didn't seem to be too bothered by it and wiped it away.

<Max skating home pov>
Max had just left The Cabin and didn't really look back while walking through the woods.
Ok what now? I didnt really want to go home? I'm not even sure if anyone was home But I didn't want to be with her.. No!! I hate her don't I? Ahh!!!! I do I do I can't I. I literally feel sick around her! Like but i kinda enjoy it? I actually can't be thinking this! I'm overthinking again, right this again, I need to stop, just get home and... and... ehh I'll probably go to bed again..

Max skated to her house and since it was pretty early the door was still locked. She didn't have a key to the house so she went in through her window. She felt cold and kinda sick even though it was summer.

And she was tired, she usually doesn't wake so early. She put her bag the floor and went to lay down in her bed when she heard steps coming closer. Loud foot steps.

No no please don't say it's Neil!  Wait It's so early.. why is he awake? Max went in her bed to pretend she was sleeping.

"Maxine?" It's was her mother. She opened the door to her room and looked at Max who was laying her bed facing the other way. Max didn't move.  She could feel she was being watched by her mother and she wasn't sure if she should turn over and answer or just lay there.

"What are you doing up so early?" Max pushed her face into her pillow and squeezed the pillow which Her mom didn't see.

"Oh ok then" Her mom walked out and closed the door. Max felt the cold air hit her back from the door being closed.

Word count: 1229
An: did a small little change hope you don't mind

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