Sometimes friends lie | part 13

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The rain is still falling outside of the cabin. Eleven is sitting on her bed, listening to the sounds of the falling rain while squeezing her stuffed animal. She wants to see Max. Just one more look at her again. One more gentle hug. Everything Max was wonderful. Her red hair and blue eyes. Everything about this girl just made her feel all tingly and happy. Then she remembers.

She stepped out of her bed, dropping her stuffed animal. She walked over to her radio and grabbed it. She got her blindfold which was conveniently nearby.

She doesn't like to spy on her friends but she couldn't help it. Back on her bed she turned on the radio static and tied the blindfold around her head. She thought of Max, which was easy. Her heart started to feel beat faster as she felt close to Max already. She was finally there and her eyes flew open. The familiar darkness of the void was all around her and soon she heard Max's voice behind her. There was someone else there. Eleven hadn't seen her before. She was talking to Max about something. El couldn't quite understand what she was talking about but didn't listen anyway. She was just looking at Max. She looked confused, like whatever the taller girl was saying made her think of something she maybe didn't understand.

"I think I'm a little more like you than I thought" Max suddenly let out. The words confused Eleven. Who was the girl beside her? And how was she like her? El stepped closer to the redhead.

"Oh?" The other girl replied. "What makes you think that?" she continued.

"Well, there is someone that... Maybe makes me feel like that, b- but it's a girl so it can't be l-love right, Robin?" Robin? Now she knew her name. And what they were talking about. Is there something wrong with Loving a girl? She thought to herself. She didn't think there was something wrong with loving the same gender. But she just thought she had and would only ever like mike.

"Oh, Max," Robin said back to her. "Yes it can"
Robin looked sort of shocked but still, she was smiling. Max looked back at robin sort of shocked too.

"Oh gosh why did this have to happen to me" Max seemed upset. Who was the girl she was in love with? Eleven didn't think about the fact that she should probably leave Max alone because this was a private conversation but she for some reason needed to know.

"Max it's ok, it can be our little secret ok?" Robin said back to her. "So whos the lucky girl"

"That's not your business," Max said with a little laugh now smiling at the older girl.

"No, you gotta tell me now!" Robin teased. "I bet she's totally in love with you too"

"Well ok then it's..." she paused for a second before continuing. "El," she said.

Els heart stopped. She didn't understand what she just heard. She threw the blindfold off and let out a deep breath. She reached over to her stuffed animal. She fidgeted with it in her hands. She wasn't sure what to think or feel at this moment but something felt good. Right. She has to talk to Max. As soon as she could. She was confused and happy? The world had stopped and it felt weird. There was bad and good at the same time and it gave El a headache just continuing to think about this. Because she's just found out Max is in love with her but she had spied on her best friend. They didn't do these things.

How could she ever tell Max without her getting mad?

She was sitting there thinking of all the possible outcomes after Max had found out she spied.

"Argghh" she turned to her side. Why did I have to do that?! Couldn't I just mind my own business? She's gonna hate me.

Suddenly a few knocks startled El. She quickly sat up and looked over.

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