Confused | part 5

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An: Im literally so bad  at updating this :,)
I'm starting Break soon so I'll try to write more!


A few days later. Mostly of what Max had done was think. Think. about Eleven and Eleven only. And the more she thought about her the more confused she got. She was sitting in the kitchen eating some breakfast. She was missing going to the arcade and the mall. I really wanna go today. It's been a whole 2 days since I've been out! I'm just not sure. What if  i meet her? It was so fun the be with her though.. uhhhhmm... I'll go anyway.

Max is on the road skating to the bus stop for the bus that's goes to the mall. She decided on the mall because she wanted to buy herself something. Maybe make her think of something else but Eleven. She had absolutely no idea what to buy but just going there would be fine. Right?

When max finally gets there she had no idea what to do. She usually does because there's so much to do but this time felt different for some reason. But something that would get her in a good mood. Ice cream. Ice cream makes anyone happy right? Right?

So she walkes over to scoops to get a strawberry ice cream cone.
she walkes to the cashier and sees that Robin was standing there. She was looking at the last customer walking out. hey!

"What  would you like today?" Robin Asks her.

«Um uh just a strawberry I-ice cream». Why am I stuttering? No need to be nervous max! No need. In these few seconds Max is thinking Robin had been looking at her. Confused.

«Why the long face kid?». Max was started.

«Ah! I-I ehh what?».

«You look kinda upset, And I know it's not my business but just wanna know if you're ok», Robin is talking with a soft reassuring voice which is making Max more comfortable talking to her.

«Well actually I'm not sure. You wouldn't understand though»

«Oh I think I would. I've been your age too you know. It's not always easy». Robin gives Max a reassuring smile.

«Yea I guess maybe» Max isn't  looking at Robin because she is too nervous.

«Hey look at me». Huh.. Max remembered her dream. Look at me... everything in her dream about El just replayed in her head quickly. And the slight head came too. Knock knock! Eleven? You'll understand soon. What are you talking about El? Look at me. *El leaning towards Max. Max gaspes like she is out of breath. Max looks up at Robin, breathing heavily.

«You can feel free to talk to me If you want». Robins smile makes her slowly clam down. And she tries to breathe like normal.

«T-thanks Robin» Max smiles back to her. She feels a little better.

«Sooo what if we met up somewhere?», Robin tilts her head and still smiling to Max.

«To talk?», Max questions.

«No like friends» Robin wanted to be friends with me? What? It'll be cool. Maybe this would make her think of something else than El?

«Yeah sounds cool! But could you make my ice cream now?», Max says and giggles and so does Robin.

«Yes yes of course I will no worries new friend». She smiles again and gets started making the ice cream. While doing it she asks Max,

«sooo do you like anyone?». Kinda jokingly.

«Huh what do you mean?», Max asks back.

«You know what i mean». Then all of a sudden Steve comes from the back room.

«What's talking you so long now Robin?», He says kind of annoyed. Robin quickly turns back to him.
«Ah dingus! You just ruined my moment!», Robin kinda yells at Steve.

«your m-moment?». 

«Ahhh».. she turns back to look at Max.

«Boys, they never understand», Robin says to Max and shakes her head. Max laughs a little at that. Steve then looks over and sees Max.

«Oh hey Max!». Max looks up at him.

«So you and Eleven are friends now?». Those words feels like bullets, shooting her right in her chest.

«El? Yeah her and I. Y- yeah we're friends now hah». She answers nervously. And she is... blushing? Robin sees Max was blushing and looks at her shocked but tries to hide it. Then Max looks at Robin. Robin looks at Maxs pink face with a smug look. Jokingly obviously.

«What!?». Max is confused. She doesn't notice she is blushing. Robin looks down to finish the Max's  ice cream cone.

«Ok here, Max».

«Thanks, how much will that be?», Max asks.

«Oh no worries i'll cover for you», Robin replied.

«No Robin you can't just cover for her!», Steve tells Robin.

«Well she's my friend?», She turns back away from the red head to look at Steve.

«Yeah well you don't see me paying for my friends huh?» He says back to her.

«Friends? You mean your children right?»

«Stop that Robin!» He says getting a little annoyed. Then Steve and Robin just looks at each other.

«Ok ok I'll make her pay!», Robin suddenly says.

«Well you better!», Steve yells while walking back to the back room. And Robin turns back to Max.

«I won't make you pay ok?», She whispered to the girl.

«Oh why?»,  Max asks whispering back.

«Well because I'm nice, unlike than that dingus that I work with». And then they both laugh quietly.

«Ok can you meet me here around 4PM tomorrow, I don't have work then», Robin asks Max with her normal voice.

«Yeah sure meet up there 4PM»..  Max feels exited and nervous at the same time. Max slightly looks down. Robin puts her hand on her new friend shoulder.

«Hey you don't have to my friend», Robin says smiling again to make Max more comfortable with her.

«No I want to! Like really want to», Max tries her best not to studder while talking.

«Okay cool! Now eat your ice cream it's gonna melt away any second now!»

«Oh right yeah!» Max just now noticed pink ice cream is dripping down her fingers. Quickly she licks it of. She struggles getting if of.

«Well see you tomorrow new friend!», Robin says while trying not to laugh at Max struggle with the ice cream.

«See you!», Max says back and leaves scoops.

An: hope y'all like that i added Robin to this story:)
Word count: 1077

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