Robin's apartment | part 10

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An: season 4 was amazing Omg

Ik this on is also kinda short but enjoy still!:)

Max smiles at El and then steps onto the bus. She walks all the way to the back and sits down by the widow. She feels butterflies flying around inside her. She looks out the window and sees Eleven waving at her. Max smiles and waves back. The bus starts driving and she can't see El anymore.

Omg what just happened. I.. I what!? Why did I feel like that? Her body close to mine felt like.... I don't know, heaven! She didn't kiss me no! No no! Why did I even think that would happen. Max is confused. Again. She doesn't understand what just happen or why she wants to do it again. That gross feeling of this unbearable weight on her shoulders is coming back to her. why did I think that why did I think that WHY THE HELL DID I THINK THAT SHE WAS GOING TO KISS ME?! Im so stupid, im so fucking stupid.

The bus ride is somewhat long and Max's head is replaying everything that happened. I miss her too. She finally admits it to herself. She does miss Eleven. A lot. Her soft hands holding around Her felt amazing. I wanna be with her again, but why. She's a friend, but ive never felt this for a friend though.


The bus drives by. Eleven lets out a little squeal and stands up quickly and does a little spin and doesn't care that people around are probably staring at her. She feels so happy and excited. Her cheeks turn warmer. Her heart is beating fast and softly. A spark of light is glowing Inside her chest.
The bus has passed minutes ago but El is still jumping of happiness. Max was so nice to hug. Max! I wanna see her soon! She's an amazing hugger! My Maxie, my friend!

She picks up her feet and runs to hoppers car. Hop and El had talked about max and decided to go to the mall to see if max would be there as she was there nearly everyday. And she was and they hugged! She jumps in the car and slams the door with happiness. She smiles big to Hopper.

"That wasn't very long but you look really happy, what happened? Did you see her?", Hopper asked giving El a little smile back.

"It was short but amazing", She replies.

"Happy to hear that Kid". Hop starts the car and drives to the cabin, while listening to El explain everything that happened with every little detail.


Max had arrived at the apartment complex and was walking up the many stairs. She felt nervous but also excited. El was still stuck on her mind. She could sort if still feel the hug.

she got to her door and stood outside. Before thinking the rang the doorbell. Gosh that was scary. Waiting for only a little while she starts hearing footsteps coming closer.
Okay okay, she's coming. Robin opens the door and when she sees it's Max the gives a little smile.

"Hey friend, you look happy what's up?", Robin says smirking.

"What! What do you mean?!", max replied confused.

"We'll you are blushing little one", Robin says while staring at Max's cheeks. Max's hands goes up to her face and she holds her cheeks and feels the warmth.

"Oh I am, am I- I what.. uh i don't know why I uh- it's cold out- eh I- I uhh" max gets nervous about was Robin said.

Why am I blushing? Why am blushing? Was she just joking? Why would I be blushing?

"Well anyway get in here! We're not hanging out in the hallway are we?", Robin says.

"Yeah yeah okai", Max blurts out and walks in. Robin closes the door and shows Max where to hang her yellow rain coat.

Max's looks around in robins apartment and sees it's a little messy but it's cozy. She has cool decor and it's not that small in here. The kitchen and living room is in the main area and there's a bathroom and Robins bedroom in their own rooms obviously in the hallway.

"Nice place", Max says to herself.

"What now?", robins says and turns to max again.

"nice place you got here", Max repeats louder. "Yeah it's pretty nice here", Robin says in a calm voice.

"I moved here when I got my new job because it's closer and I don't how much longer my mom could deal with me", robin let's out a little laugh and smiles to Max. Max isn't sure of what to say so she stays quiet.

"Come on, who's this crush", robins says and sits now in her couch.

"U-uh crush?", Max's says really confused. Robin tilts her head to show max to come over. Max is suddenly a little nervous again.

Does she know something I don't?

Max's sits down in the surprisingly comfy couch.

"I don't have a crush at the moment"

Word count: 845
Hope you're liking where things r going:)

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