Me too | part 15

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"I know"


"I am sorry max!" El said while digging her face deep into her hans. This was definitely not how
she planned to tell the red head what she had done. It was her biggest regret that she had done this when she knew she shouldn't have in the first place.

"How did you-" El could hear the confusion in Max's voice. Something had changed in the atmosphere, suddenly it felt colder, more serious instead of a nice cute confession.

"I am so so sorry Max!" She couldn't bring herself to say what she had done aloud and just kept apologising until all the feelings she had pushed down suddenly all came out at the same time.


Suddenly Max connected the dots and understood what had happened.

"Did you spy on me?"

In some way in was a relief to hear Max had figured it out instead of having to say it, but in another way, it hurt so much to hear those words. El had been too scared to say this herself so Max had to.

"Sorry.." was the only word she was able to push out in that moment as tears were rolling down her face.

"Oh.." Max said again, but this time El could hear the hurt in her voice clearly. This was the moment El had played over and over in her head, only it was way worse when it was actually happening instead of being a thought up scenario.

"W- when was it?" Max asked. In the beginning of this conversation her cheeks were rosy and she couldn't help but smile seeing the girl in front of her, now there was no color visible on her face and she didn't make eye contact for a while.

"You were with R- Robin.. I think was her name, and you told her y- you were in love with-" El replied but was cut of before she could finish.

"-Oh yeah..." Max said.

"So you've know as long as I have" she continued.

"I have?" Even though El spied on the other girl she didn't remember much other then Max saying she was the one she liked.

"Yeah I found out that day"

"So I guess there was no need for me to say all this if you already knew" she said with a little chuckle to try and lift the mood.

At this Eleven felt a little smile appearing on her face, it still wasn't all good though but something had changed in the over all mood.

"But why did you do it?" Max asked.
"I thought you said you wouldn't?"

The little smile quickly faded away. The words played over and over in her head.

Why did you do it. Why did you do it. Why did you do it.


She thought about it. Hesitated for a moment, but then decided it was her turn to confess.

"Well.." El let out softly.

"It might be because.."

"I am in love with you too Max"
It was the first time El had said it aloud, so she was just as shocked as the other girl when she said it.

The room was filled with silence afterwards. Eleven stared into Max's eyes and Max into Elevens. Finally it had been said. They knew. It felt like the whole spying thing didn't matter anymore. El didn't think about it, neither did Max.

In fact nothing mattered anymore. Not the spying or the lying. All of that had led to this moment, and this moment was wonderful.

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