Friends don't lie | part 6

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An: thank y'all for 199 reads<3
Ik i've been gone for months but Im back now hopefully! This is Also rlly short hah

The clock reads 3:36PM. Max is preparing to leave. She is meeting Robin. She feels excited and nervous. Well kinda scared too. As soon as she is done getting ready she takes of to the mall.

<at the mall>
Entering the mall Max hopes Robin would show up. What if she was just joking? Like why would this girl that I sometimes see work at scoops and then somehow got into a conversation with wanna be friends with me? Yesterday she barely knew my name!

Ahh. But she was nice and sweet and all though. Maybe she'll understand what I'm going through at the moment. Wait what am I thinking? She wouldn't understand! I won't bring that up anyway! What do we talk about? My new friend! Wait I like that! New friend and a new beginning!

Max feels ever so slightly better as she gets closer to scoops. In her own little world. Thinking how nice it was gonna be meeting her new friend.

What do I say? Heyy!! No like um... hey. No that's not right... maybe like he- "

"Oh Max!!" Huh? A familiar voice. Max feels something coming closer to her and suddenly, someone puts their hands gently on her shoulders from the back. Max is confused for a second then says to herself.


She was right. The brunette girl is now standing in front of Max. They quickly made eye contact. Elevens eyes starring into hers felt like a hug, like she was being squeezed with just the look of Els eyes. Oh fuck. What do I say now. I'm meeting someone! sorry can't talk right now El! Yes something like that.

«Hi El!».

«Hey Maxie!» she said

«Where have you been?!» Max could literally see the curiosity in Her eyes.

«I haven't seen you in..1 2 ehh 4 days!». Wow the reason it literally because I don't want to see her.
«I- I've been a little sick! Like e-eh headaches and s- stuff Um scared I would make any of e-eh you sick».

«Max?». Elevens face goes from a sweet smile to a serious staring.

«Y-yeah?», Max nervously replies.
«Why are you studdering?».

«Oh yeah that! E-eh I was sick so you know I lost my voice! Yeah and I'm now slowly getting it back so...».

«I- i- o Oh ok.» the brunette replied back. To her

«But i- i have to go, you know ehh»

«See you later?». El's sweet voice is ringing in Max's head, over and over.

«Uh yeah! Of course El!». The sweet brunette smiles and turns to walk away.

Oh my.. s-she i- I lied to her! If she finds out she's gonna be all FRIENDS DON'T LIE and shit. Uhhh..

Max then walks to scoops and sits down at one of the many tables. I'm not sick! She kinda makes me feel like it though! Why am I like this? Why am I nervous around my friend! My best friend!? I can't do this anymore! What did I do? Or what did she do?

Max can feel the tears trying to come out but forcing herself not to cry. Not now! She thinks to her self.

«Not now please», she then whispered to herself. Sitting looking down on the table this heavy feeling of guilt comes over her and she couldn't hold the tears in anymore. No! Please say nobody can see me! She thinks. She then feels someone sit down beside her. It's Robin.

Words: 602

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