Foolish thoughts | part 12

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An: again it's been forever, sorry, but I'm back and hoping to try and put some more effort into this fanfic


Max is washing her hands. The strong smell of the vanilla soap is rushing up her nose already. Looking deeply into her own eyes she couldn't help but think. Think. Think. And think some more. All she could do was question herself and who she was, who she had become. Where did these feelings come from? And why was she feeling them? And why for Eleven? Only a few weeks ago she barely spoke to the girl and now she's feeling all these feelings she's never felt for a friend before!

Thinking back to what Robin had said. About being in love with a girl made her think maybe that could be a possibility? But she pushed that thought down before she could think more on it, because she knew it would only lead to more and more questions about herself that she just didn't wanna think about.

"Did you drown in the sink mayfield?" She heard the voice of the older girl say right out side the door followed by a few knocks. The sudden sound of Robins voice startled her enough to come back to reality. She realised the sink was still running over her hands. Shit. "No.. No I.. I'm ok!" She quickly turned it off, dried her hands on her sweater and left the room with Robin right outside. Robin was sort of towering over the younger girl.

"I can still see something bothering you" Robin murmured looking down at Max. "What's on your mind, friend?" She continues.

"Nothing... no thing at all" Max murmured trying to show that she really doesn't want to talk about this. She took her eyes away from Robin and made her way over to the couch hoping maybe Robin took the hint. But Max didn't know Robin wasn't the best at picking up on social cues at that point. Robin looked to the girl now sitting on her couch. Max was just looking at Robin standing in the hallway. Max's head was already exploding with thoughts. Maybe robin was someone she could share this with? Or maybe not. Maybe she'd think it's weird still. Even though she'd probably be the only one to possibly understand, thinking of the fact she knows what a crush on a girl feels like. She maybe she could actually have it proved to her that this wasn't a crush and she could cross it off her list. Just the thought of being 'in love' with Her best friend made her feel weird. Like some weird electric feeling all over. But she didn't want to think that that's could be the case and kept pushing it down and away.

"Robin" she mumbled just loud enough for the taller girl to hear. She didn't know exactly what to say but she felt a little safer around robin than she'd like to admit.

"What's up red?" Robins voice was as comforting as it always is. This only making her feel safer.

"This might sound stupid but..." she let out and paused seeing Robin was making her way over. "How did you know you liked Tammy?" She continued. Robins face was slightly shocked hearing those words, but even so she started thinking back. Way back to not only the crush she had on Tammy but past crushes she's had on other girls. She's never had the courage to actually ask any of them out because well most people were probably homophobic at the time and she'd end up being called slurs by the whole school. So she wouldn't say she had experience with girls but liking girls, she was pretty sure she knew what that felt like.

"Well it was sort of just a feeling. An unexplainable feeling, it was nice but still so not nice at the same time. It just felt time my perspective of her had changed completely. She was suddenly the one person I couldn't pull my eyes away from and she didn't leave my head even if I wasn't around her. When I didn't see her I would for some reason miss her presence and I would feel like this empty spot inside. Really weird if you ask me. And all of a sudden it hit me like a ton of bricks. I had fallen so hard for her." Max was listening to Robin continuing on with her ramble and feel the weird electric feeling return to her body unwillingly. She felt all this about El. All of it. She wasn't able to pull her eyes away once they where on her, she's noticed all these little things about eleven she didn't even think about before and yes she was now feeling this weird empty feeling in her heart knowing the brunette wasn't around. Robin didn't specify if it was In her heart but she could tell it was what she meant."It's a crazy feeling and honestly I can't really describe it, it's good but bad but then so-"

"That's how you knew you were.. crushing?" Max was scared this was what it was. What she had been wondering for weeks now, could possibly be a crush. No it couldn't. It just couldn't.

"Yup, that's what I said" Robin murmured back to max. The confusion hit her quickly. Max was staring into the room blankly. Robin could see her head was full of thoughts. So was hers though so max wasn't the only one. Robin reached out and waved her hand in front of Max's face.

"Max?" She turned over, Robin saw The young girl was biting the inside of her mouth and her eyes were big and flustered looking. "Why did you wanna know that?" The older girls voice is calming and soft like she has no plan to make her new friend feel uncomfortable in any way possible.

Max was unsure if she should tell Robin her thoughts, but she'd started to feel like maybe it wasn't so scary to open up to the other girl.

"I think I'm a little more like you than i thought" She said to herself but still loud enough for Robin to hear.


Okay hi, I've been gone for a while again.
But I am writing now and I kinda also
Wanna write a ronance fanfic but I'm not
Sure if I'll publish it. So if
Any one has anything to say go ahead hah:)

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