Fake smiles | part 14

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The plan was simple, yet effective. She'd simply ask Hop for as little as $10 and tell him she's meeting Max. He'd believe that right? I mean why wouldn't he? She couldn't think why he wouldn't let her.

She got up from her desk to put on an outfit. The clothes she and Max bought were laying neatly folded and washed on her dresser. Another reminder of the red head. It honestly felt like everything reminded her of the girl. The clothes she had bought that day were her favourite not only because they looked a lot cooler than what hopper gave her, but because she had picked them because of Max. Because Max was beside her when she got them. Any
Time she was with Max became her favourite moments.

She pulled the shirt and pants on but when she looked outside to see today wasn't as hot as usual, she covered her shirt with one of her old hoodies. It was light purple and made the outfit look a little less cool and more casual than she wanted.

Hop was definitely still sleeping but she had woken up him up multiple times before so he didn't really care as long as he got to go back to sleep after. El walked out her room and over to Hopper laying in a deep slumber.

"Hopper!" She yelled at him. It wasn't the best way to wake up someone but it sure worked wonders when it came to waking up her old dad.

He opened his eyes that same second and gasped like he was terrified - but after that awakening he probably was.

"What! W- What is it?" He mumbled to his daughter. She just looked back at him blankly.

"El what do you want?.... it's so early" he asked closing his eyes again and rolling over to the side. It wasn't that early and he was acting like it was the crack of dawn when it was really almost the middle of the day.

"I am meeting Max at the mall... so I was wondering if I could borrow a some money?"
It was a normal question that anyone had probably asked their parents at some point but she hadn't really asked Hop anything like that before so she felt way more nervous than the had to be.

"Well... sure, fine but don't take too much and be safe" the murmured. He was half asleep and probably thought he was dreaming, he normally wouldn't just let her go like that. But El didn't think about it and just went with it.

She grabbed his wallet and pulled out some cash unsure of how much she had, just praying it was enough. Before leaving the room she looked back only to she him deeply asleep again.


After a quick breakfast consisting of two eggos like usual, she walked out the door with her money but she was full of fear. This was completely new. She barely knew where to go but with her powers finding how to get somewhere couldn't be too hard, could it?

She was able to get on a bus which got her to the mall rather quickly. The bus was pretty full but luckily she got to sit alone the whole way there. She hoped she wouldn't see anyone she knew cause they might tell Hop and then the two of them might end up in a fight like they did last time she went out by herself and fighting with her dad was something the hated more than anything

The both of them being angry with each other for a few days just hurt so much. The last time she regretted it more than ever but she wouldn't admit that.

When she stepped out of the bus the place was packed with people and their small children.
It was frightening to think she actually got there this easy. How hopper had just let her go of alone like this - well he thought she was meeting Max but still how did he trust her alone on the bus? Being alone was something she rarely was now - well other than in her room cause that she was quite often.

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