Robin's sectet | Part 8

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An: idk what to put here


It was loud. The sound of hundreds of people talking and little kids screaming ringing in her ears. Max was back at the mall.

She went straight to the mall today. She really needed to talk to Robin. Is she working today? Max didn't know. She was waiting at scoops, even though they hadn't made plans to meet up today.

Max is sitting fidgeting with her fingers on the table when she suddenly hears Robin's voice.

«Have a great day!», she says. Probably to a customer so that would mean she is working! Max quickly stands up without thinking and walks over to Robin. Robin looks like she usually does when working.

«Oh Hey Max, what brings you here today», Robin says with a smile.

«I just need answers», Max tells Her.

«Answers?», Robins replies with a confused face.

«You know, yesterday you said that you couldn't tell me here. Why?». «I've been wondering and wondering ever since I left yesterday». Robin's smile then goes away and she looks down.

«Well i- there might be people that don't like people like me», Robins says to Max. Max is confused by this. Don't like people like her? Would that mean people like me too? Maybe she doesn't feel like I do or does she?

«But since we're friends I'm not gonna leave you in the unknown, and I'll hope you're cool with it», Robin says and looks back at Max with a slightly nervous look.

«But not here, it's kind of a secret still» A secret? What is she going to tell me?

«Here i'll give you the number to my apartment and we can meet up there?», Robin continues.

«Yeah, Yeah sure, when?», Max says and smiles to Robin to make her feel more calm like she did to her.

«I don't work tomorrow actually, is then alright for you?», Robin replies.

«Yea that works so... see you there?», Max says.

«Yea see ya there», Robin says and smiles.

Word count: 353

An: ik this is rlly short but it's been a while since I've updated so

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