Tears and strawberry ice cream | part 7

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«Hey Max how are ya». Robin's voice starts ringing in Max's head. What do i say? Do i just keep quiet? No, i gotta say something? No. No its been to long just keep quiet. Robin can tell something is wrong.

«Hey kiddo whats up?» Sha asks in a much calmer voice.

«Nothing is up», Max is able to say without sounding like she was crying.

«Max» Robins voice is so nice, makes her feel calmer.

«I know we haven't know each other for long but you can talk to me». Max takes a nice deep breath. And another one. And one more. She looks up to look at Robin but quickly looks down at the table again and notices an old ice cream stain.

«I- Im.. i've just been confused I guess», Max says while trying to wipe away the tears.

«You know Max, i felt that way too at your age». Max looks back up at Robin. Wait could she really understand this? Would she?

«i felt new feelings i never used to feel and it made me want to scream». Max can hear in Robins voice that her Words were true. The frustration in her voice as shes speaking.

«And i did, in my pillow everyday», Robin continues.

«After a while i found out these feelings weren't hate or madness or what ever». Max looks surprised at Robin. She has been feeling the exact same things.

«What was it?», Max looks curious maybe the answer to all  of her feelings is right in front of her. Robin gives Max a little smirk then looks around like what she was about to say was bad or something. She sits a little closer to her and whispers,

«i was... or no i can't tell you here». Max is confused.

«But i can tell you it's going to be okay».

«Why can't you tell me?», Max just wants to know what was going on.

«i- we- wanna get some ice cream?», Robin replies very nervously.

«Yeah Yeah i'll get us some ice cream you just wait right here». Robin stands up from her seat and goes over to get ice cream. What is going on? Is she scared to tell me? I mean I'm scared to tell her what I've been feeling and thinking too.

Robin comes back with two Ice cream cones.

«i got you strawberry i hope that's okay?», Robin says before Max can Ask any questions.

«Yeah that's fine», Max replies still confused, but the last thing she'd wanna do is make her new friend uncomfortable. That can't be a good first impression.


Max is sitting on the bus home. She feels weird. She wasn't thinking about Eleven this time though. The one thing stuck on her mind is Robin. Robin. What was she going to say? She can't just leave me without me knowing that? Or can she? She's older maybe she knows better. Well she definitely does. Max's head is full of thoughts. Why couldn't she tell me there? Is she going to tell me somewhere else? How could she have been feeling this too? I haven't heard of being confused about why you're suddenly nervous around your best friend? And why I can't stop thinking about her... and her adorable smile, those eyes, those beautiful eyes... wait what am I thinking? Okay Max just stop! Stop thinking!


She is finally home. In her bed. It was late but she can't sleep. She just Can't stop thinking. About What Robin said and Eleven...
The only thing she wants was to figure this out. But how? Robin didn't want to tell her and well she can't tell eleven this that would just be weird. «I need to talk to Robin», Max says to herself and closed her eyes then finally fell asleep.


<hoppers cabin>

Eleven is awake late tonight. Also thinking. Why didn't tell me she was sick earlier? She would of called me? Or could she have lied? Friends don't lie though. Max is my best friend. And I want to be with her. I really want to be with her. Close. Really close.

El is sitting in her bed. The night light is still on. She needs answers. She stands up from her bed and walks over to the door, then peakes out and sees hopper watching TV still. She then openes the door fully. Hopper lookes back at Eleven.

«everything okay kiddo?», hopper askes. Elevens looks down. Feels weird. She can feel a tear run down her cheek. And then another. She looks up at hopper with her tearful eyes.

«Can we talk?», she asks with a low voice.

«Of course El», hopper gives Eleven a reassuring smile and turned the TV off. Their both sitting in the couch now.

«So what did you want to talk about kid?», Hopper talks slowly to El to make her feel comfortable.

«i miss Max», Eleven tells hopper. «A lot».

«Oh its alright kid you'll see her soon right?», Hop says.

«I dont know, today at The mall she was acting weird. I haven't seen her in a few days I thought she'd be excited to see me, but she was stuttering a lot and said she was sick, but I feel like", Eleven suddenly stops in the middle of the sentence. should she say this next part? What if she's wrong?

«you feel like what?», Hop asks her. «I... i think she.. maybe... lied».


Word count : 931
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