I don't know | part 4

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An: this part is a little shorter one

Max woke up later that day. *Knock knock*
What? Max heard knocking on her window. She was still in bed but got up. She was walking bare feet and the floor was cold. *knock knock knock* it was louder this time. She was looking at the window. She was really tired and felt like the window was so far away. Like very far away. When she finally came up to the window. Eleven? What is she doing here?

"Can I come in?" Eleven looked at Max through the window smiling and waving.

"Uh yeah of course." Max smiled back at her. She opened the window and let Eleven climb in. Eleven took Max's hand and sat her down in her bed. Max was now sitting in her bed while El was standing over her. Eleven wearing one of the clothes they brought the day before.

"you're going to understand all this very soon Maxie". Eleven was looking intensely at Max. But in a nice way. She smiled at Max.

"I promise" Max was very confused about all this and looked down in her lap.

"Look at me" Eleven put her hand under Max's chin and lifted her head up to look at her. Max felt this strong tension when Eleven leaned over and-

Max open her eyes quickly. Huh? She felt she had a headache. It was just a dream. Oh. But she was here i swear. She sat up and looked around in her room. Eleven? I'll understand soon? What? What will I understand?!

It felt like she wasn't fully awake yet like she was still sleeping. It was a dream she told herself again and felt a strong tightness in her chest. Ahh! She put her hand on her chest because of the weird feeling Her head was hurting really bad for some reason. Since her head was hurting so badly all she wanted to do was go back to sleep.

As tried to go back to sleep she remembered it was probably the middle of the day already. I don't even want to get up. There's nothing to do here and there's nowhere to go without seeing her I'll just lay here all day. I can't think of anywhere where she wouldn't be. Ahh this headache!! Where'd it come from?

Max stepped out of her bed and the floor was freezing cold. She walked into the bathroom and looked at herself in the mirror. Ahhhh... What was that dream? Max was looking deeply into her own eyes and thinking. People say your dreams is what you truly want. Right? And so I want to understand? Well yeah.. I want to understand. I have to understand! If I never understand I.. I'll - I don't know actually...

An: idk what this part/chapter is :^

Word count: 477

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