The reason you're like this | part 9

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An: if ur reading this ur gay


The rain is pouring down and it's freezing. Max is cold sitting at the bus stop outside the mall. She's going to Robin's apartment for the first time ever. She's nervous but excited at the same time. Nothing's gonna go wrong with Robin, and I wont see Eleven.

Exactly in that moment Max hears someone running. The sound of the splashing water gets closer and closer. Max gets a little confused but it's a normal day it could be anyone, but for some reason El is the first person that comes to mind. Please don't be her, please don't be her, please. She's looking down at the ground and feels the person is beside her.

"Max!", the person says. Oh it actually is her.

"Eleven", Max says to herself. Eleven sits down beside her.

"Hey max look at me", El says. Max quickly looks up. The dream comes right back to her. Look at me. Look at me max. Look at me. Everything is flashing through her mind. She sees El lean over again and then she's back. She then quickly looks at El.

"Are you okay max?", Eleven's voice is so soft, so calming, but not like Robins, not like anything she's ever heard.

"I... i don't know honestly", slips out of Max's mouth without her even think about saying it. Max looks at Eleven. Eleven looks at Max. She feels a feeling. Another new feeling. Eleven looks concerned for Max. Max feels a heavy feeling in her chest.

Why'd i tell her that why'd I tell her that WHY DID I TELL HER THAT!? She looks down at the bench again. Making eye contact with Eleven again would make her smile. Wait why would it make her smile? She's scared and worried but Eleven being here makes everything a bit easier to handle. Max feels Els hand on her cheek. Eleven pulls her head up and before Max Is able to think about what's happening, Els leans forward to Max slowly.

What is happening. What is happening. Max's eyes quickly look down at Els lips for a reason she doesn't know herself, but it feels good?
El isn't looking at Her lips though. Time feels like it's slowing down. Something feels right when Eleven is this close. Max closes her eyes.

Is she gonna kiss me? I.. I what? Els arms wraps around Max and she's pulled closer to El. Then Max's eyes open again. Els is holding Max softly. She can't quite understand what this feeling means but she knows it feels right.

"Everything is going to be alright Maxie", She says. Max feels a smile appear on her face and it doesn't go away. Everything feels like a blur. Max wraps her arms around El and feels her face warm up even though it's freezing out.

Eleven pulls away from Max and sees Max's smile and smiles back to her. Their cheeks are turning red quick. They look deeply into each others eyes for what feels like an eternity.

Suddenly the bus comes and stops. Everything feels real again and max stands up to walk to the bus but feels herself being stopped. El grabs Max Hand. Her soft hands. Her sweet smile. Everything feels good around her. Her. Eleven.

"I've missed you, max", She says. "A lot".


Word count: 574

An: another short one but I wanted all this in one part.

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