The party | part 16

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It was now the day of the "party". They called it a party but it was more of just a movie night to make Nancy feel better after the breakup. Which Robin was suspiciously happy about. Max had some idea of what could be the reason but she didn't want to assume anything, even if it was really obvious.

She was going to put on her blue and yellow jacket but she remembered El still had it. It was adorable how El had stolen it and kept it, she still wanted her jacket but doubted El would give it back. So she ended up just wearing her old brown jacket instead.
She left her house to go meet Eleven at her place, where they would to be picked up by Steve and Robin and go together to the wheelers house where the rest of the kids already were. She had told Steve he didn't have to pick them up and that they would be fine taking the bus, but he insisted on it - and he was the one hating to be the babysitter?


They got to the wheelers where they could see Nancy waiting for them with some of the other kids. She looked pretty happy considering she had just broken up with her boyfriend.  Maybe it wasn't that big a deal for her? Or maybe Jonathan wasn't the one for her? Did she like someone else?

As soon as they pulled up Robin jumped out of the car and ran over to the girl. From the car Max could see the biggest smile on both of their faces, maybe her theory was right. Robin grabbed her hands and stood close and when she got outside and passed them she swore she could see them blushing.

They all headed inside the big house, Max didn't grab Els hand to walk hand in hand with her - even though she so badly wanted too - because they hadn't talked about telling the rest of the party. They didn't know how they would react. Currently the only ones knowing about their relationship was Robin and Steve probably knew too.
But even though they'd only been together a few days, all this hiding was so annoying. They wanted everyone to know they weren't just friends. But everyone else was probably against them. They only had Robin and Steve as of now.

They all went down to the basement, where Mike and Dustin where already fighting about what movies they should watch - even though is was supposed to be Nancy's choice, but as soon as Dustin saw Steve come down he ran up and gave him the biggest hug. Dustin really loved Steve it was adorable. He looked up to him like a parent almost.

El suddenly tapped on Max's shoulder.

"Do you wanna sit together?" She asked her. She seemed kind of nervous being there even though she's been down in that basement dozens of times.   

"Doesn't that go without saying?" Max then smiled back at the brunette earning a bright red face back.

"Yeah yeah of course" El said back. Everyone got seated in the couches and some on pillows and blankets on the floor. Max and El had chosen a nice corner to cuddle up in. They didn't think anyone would notice and think anything of it because they always did stuff like this.

The only one that wasn't sat yet was Will. He had come a little late and everyone was already sat when he came. So the only free spot was beside Mike at the other end of the couch. Max saw there was some sort of panic in his face for a second when he noticed. When he sat down they were so close, Max even saw a light layer of blush on their cheeks.

Max thought about how they would be a cute couple. How it okay it would be if they were more than friends. There was definitely more than friendship between those boys.

After Dustin and Steve had argued about the movie they should watch, it finally played.  Again this was supposed to be Nancy's choice. Max looked around for her to ask her, but she wasn't there, And neither was Robin. It could of just been a coincidence, but Max couldn't fight the curiosity. There was something with them too. Was every one gay in this party?!

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