Eggos | part 1

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- Eleven and Max are on the bus right after Eleven dumped mikes ass
( also pretend that Lucas and max are we're not together before this )

~on the bus~
"You really just did that?!" Max and Eleven were laughing about what Eleven just did.

"Yeah! Yeah I guess I did!"
Eleven looked over at Max, pretty. She thought.

"Wow. That's wow!" And they continued to laugh. After like a few seconds they looked back at each other.

Omg she's single now! Max was thinking. So maybe we can become closer friends now? She's mostly been around these stupid boys since she got here! Well that's at least what I know. Max looked over at El who was looking out the windows. Wow those eyes are like nothing I've ever seen before! I've never really noticed how adorable they look.

"Max?" El was looking at the red head confused.

"Is there something on my face?" She asked.

"No n-no nothings wrong with your face El!"Max replied as quickly as possible.

"Then why were u looking so intensely at me?" El looked even more confused.

"OH look here's our stop!" Max said and stood up and reached for elevens hand, el took her hand and let the girl pull her up and they both walked of the bus.

What were you thinking about max? El looks over at Max, Max didn't answer as she was thinking again. What was I thinking!? Eleven?! What she just my friend! Nothing more.. why am I thinking about how pretty she is friends don't think like that about friends.

"MAX!!" Eleven had been trying to talk to max but she didn't answer.

"MAX!!!" She yelled one last time. Max was startled .


" I'm sorry.. Are you ok Max?"

"Yeah.." Max nodded and looked over at Eleven, she looked confused.

"You know, friends don't lie max"

"I'm fine El" Max looked away and stared at the ground.

<at the cabin>

They had just entered the cabin and Eleven didn't hesitate to ask Max if she wanted eggos.
Max looked back at El, she was smiling which made max smile too.

"Will that get you in a better mood?" Eleven smiles, she liked seeing that Max was smiling too.

"Yeah I it would." max came up to Eleven.

"Ok I'll get the toaster, can u get the eggos there in the fridge a new package"

" Oh yeah ok El!" Max walked to the fridge and opened the door, she saw the fresh pack of eggos beside the milk and some sirup.

"Do you want sirup on them El?"

"Oh yes of course!" Max brought out the eggos and the sirup and put it on the counter beside Eleven who was Turing on the toaster. El looked at Max.

"Thank you Maxie". She smiled and took the package of eggos and opened it.

[ I know this was short but yk more is coming]
Word count :: 479

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